thank you for all your questions, but we've run out of. just then the ground shakes with a frightening rumble. everyone quiets down -- is it an earthquake? as the rumble hits again, the surface of the water in the koi pond ripples, a la jurassic park. reporters look around anxiously as another rumble hits; bill's face falls as he sees. that's it for today, guys, very busy schedule, thank you!! reporters shout questions as tom herds bill up the steps. two staff members hustle brad into the house. cut to: what's the damage? what's the spin? how the hell did this happen? jen, i gave you specific orders to get some handlers and keep brad locked down until after the announcement. maui?! wasn't he at the villa in south hampton? oh for god's sake! can't we -- brad enters and tom shuts up. bill, you've got to shut this down, now. tell brad he can't work with you, period. such as? it was supposed to read, 'women are first with gluckman.' that's it, bill. if brad doesn't straighten up, your political career is finished. what are you going to do? how'd it go with feldman? we've been brainstorming on some different approaches, and i think we may have something solid here. guys? the team gathers around -- it's a gang pitch. exactly. they car-jack brad, then take him on a 'tour' of the 'hood. give him a little taste of what thug life's really like. it might just scare the black out of him. look, i'm as down as the next brother, guy. fellah. i grew up in compton, okay? but let's get over the p.c. thing and face facts. unless we do something soon, brad's gonna cost us this election. maybe drastic is what brad needs, bill. he is twenty-four. i mean, what's he gonna do for a living, rap? they all chuckle. bill sighs. remember the anti-crime spot we shot last month? those are our guys, right there. absolutely. don't think you can handle it? fantastic. tom hands them a manila envelope. here's some background information on brad. he considers himself a 'rapper.' okay, so here's the story -- it's your basic kidnapping. right. but when you see him acting ghetto and all, it pisses you off so much, you tour him around the 'hood to show him what things are really like. i had my guys brainstorm a few ideas. pays fifteen grand apiece. good. got you covered. mr. gluckman's a billionaire -- if you run into any problems with the law, we're very close with the commissioner. on the flip side, if you screw up and a single hair is touched on bradley's over-privileged head, i will make sure that you do serious time. clear? good. five up front, twenty-five when you return him to us, white. i'll call you. tom gets in the limo and leaves as sean and pj head for their car. a meet and greet with greenpeace, then drinks with the offshore oil lobby. smooth. he's in south central. he's in excellent hands. cut to: yes, sean. how's our little project going? no deal. you get the rest when richie cunningham steps through the door here, and not one second sooner, understand? all the polls say that since brad's been out of the picture we're up six points. yep? put it through. intercut with: i told you, no more money. excuse me? how do i know this is real? okay, i'm convinced. fine. please don't do anything until i talk to mr. gluckman and arrange the finances. brad's been kidnapped for real. they want five hundred grand or they'll kill him. now let's not panic. lemme just think this through for a minute. we could have a very interesting opportunity here. well, the negatives are obvious. i can handle bill. let's brainstorm the positives. what about a voter backlash, like how could he run on the heels of a tragedy? next stop, the white house. the phone rings and tom picks up. intercut with: no deal. bill gluckman does not make deals with criminals. you do what you have to do, and we'll do what we have to do. he hangs up and smiles. aaaaa. and then, in quick shots, we intercut between: aaaaaa. aaaaaa. aaaaaa. are you positive? i'm sure there's a logical explanation. why don't you get some sleep -- what about the debate tomorrow in sacramento -- if you cancel, you can kiss this campaign good-bye. i understand you're upset, bill, but jesus, for once in your life think outside the box! we can make brad's whole gang thing a positive. if he's arrested or, god forbid injured, we spin it so you are the victim, you know, 'crime reaches everyone,' something like that. i'm trying to win, bill, and you don't seem to care! when did that happen? all right, guys, let's pitch on how i get my job back. they just stare at him. guys? push the mega meal, or you punks are so fired. flash to: idiots. what did i tell you about bothering the guests? now move it, those wieners aren't serving themselves. he pushes them out of there.