none of the ladies will be able to take their eyes off you. perhaps this will help. she died giving you to me. and i want to die knowing it is one the finger of the women my son loves. now go, and bring back your fiance. d'artagnan! life is too long. except when we have our friends. look at you! you're still a boy! sit, sit! i'll open a bottle of wine. you can't drink with a friend you haven't seen in months? midnight! mon dieu! driving the youngsters hard, eh? another? how many times have you saved his life in this year alone? three? four? i was feeling sorry for myself. raoul is getting married, he proposed today! i love that boy beyond all measure, i've spent everything i own to give him education and opportunity. now he has complete happiness, and i mope. that must be raoul! raoul! look, d'artagnan's come to visit! what's wrong? you look awful! but -- are you sure? michelle cannot possibly accept! piglet -- ? what are you -- ? die? what? fromberge?! at the front?! no. raoul, no. you cannot do this. no matter how your heart is broken -- raoul -- this cannot be. everyone knows the queen mother is a recluse, and the ladies-in-waiting are but mistresses for the king! she's a woman, d'artagnan! from a poor family. you may still be young enough to believe love conquers everything, but i am old and hard and i've seen too much. even when kings are hunchbacks they have any woman they desire, because power seduces even more than love! you knew this was happening. you knew and that's why you came. what hope is there? a wartime commission cannot be vacated except by the king, and what chance is there of that? fromberge is on the battle line, and raoul -- raoul is everything to me. oh my friend. you trust his character more than anyone else does. save my son, d'artagnan. get out of my way. to kill the king. the king killed my son! come on! all of you! coward! fight me! fight me! he killed my son, d'artagnan! he killed my son! and some problems cannot be settled without one. what do you propose to do? i am with you! it is honor you serve, and when the king is dishonorable you are removed from your oath of honor! why do you follow him, d'artagnan?! i know you have put service above your own life, but why does this king deserve such loyalty? he is a monster! he executes ministers for his own blunders, with their families hostage so they take the blame! he has no honor! whatever the plan. i am in it! the next time we meet, one of us will die. what are they doing? porthos sleeps, and you plot. don't you think it's time you told me what it is you are plotting? the prison of belle sur. what is that? i see that is a body! but where did you get it? who does? what do we do now? my god. prison was horrible but it was his home. he's been torn from it by strangers. he's frightened, exhausted -- and the mask is familiar. let him rest in it tonight, and remove it tomorrow. his plight is obvious, isn't it? are you hungry? who came? and you never knew why? what is your name? phillippe. rest now. he is sleeping. now see here, aramis, it's time you told us -- who is he, aramis? tonight! right now! we steal a man from a royal prison, we hide in a country chateau among an assortment of saints and sluts such as only you could provide, and still you wish to tell me nothing?! you are not my priest, aramis! you would not be, even if i had one. he who is not with us is against us. then you are a fool -- a fool who has never lost a son. what gives you the right to judge me, to play god with the lives of others? is it because you are so much holier than everyone else?! switch?! that is your plan? it is ludicrous! physical resemblance is but one small thing! louis has an arrogance, a manner -- and people close to him, who -- it is not just our lives you risk with this conceit of yours! it is phillippe's as well! recent hours have been a shock. phillippe. there is something i hope you understand. terrible cruelty has been used against you. and. you must understand that you did nothing to deserve it. the desire for vengeance. can be a poison. i suppose. it is to remember there are many people who have never been in a prison, who pass such beauty every day, and never see it. it is something i have done -- or did not do. i did not share beauty with someone. who is no longer here for me to share beauty with. we have much to do, we'd best get started. now suppose you were to walk into a garden, as a king. resting, he's had a long day. aramis -- you must reconsider this plan. phillippe is like a child, he -- in a year, maybe two, i could teach him enough to -- three days??!! phillippe -- he's very bright, he's perceptive, but he is in such turmoil -- don't play god with me, aramis i -- but -- what is porthos doing? but -- what is he doing? hang himself?! we must stop him! but -- but -- poor phillippe! all i noticed was that phillippe feels even more like an animal. i will sit with you. i can't sleep either. where are you going?! but aramis -- ! phillippe can learn in time, but -- what you're asking is impossible! but -- no, wait, do not hold your goblet that way. with a king it is. so. it is not to be dainty. servants have touched the king's goblet, so he will touch it as little as possible. no! do not be sorry! never be sorry! the king cares for nothing and for no one! there are no mistakes when you are king! what you do is right for every person! a king has contempt for everyone! how did you know -- ? i am not. i am not angry with you. you understand? good. now, as to acting like a king, we wish you to be a good king. but at first. at first you must pass as louis, and louis is cold and cruel. so you must stop looking at people with such softness. it is. not kingly. the eyes of a king say that all he cares about is himself, and your eyes -- how do i tell him this -- ? you eyes. ask so much. you shouldn't care about me, about my -- about. oh raoul, my son. my son. come, we have much to do. these rooms are yours. up these stairs -- or through this hidden passage -- is the room of your mistress. michelle. your mother's. aramis, this will never -- but -- at a ball, everyone watches the king! hold your goblet with two fingers. stay calm, you're doing fine. she will be at the ball. now, your majesty. it is time. you know the way. you have your note? you have the heart of a king. don't worry, your majesty. we have a prison for you, where you can rest peacefully. if you ever loved me -- if you ever loved honor, or anything else -- then stand now, and let it happen. we can't. stay here. that traitor d'artagnan. knows about this place. he lures us to capture. you're a fool! so what has changed? you are right. but it is a trap. to the bastille. and death. it's a prison, you idiot! they don't expect anyone to try getting in! the problem will come when we want out! phillippe? he lies. he is here to trap us. betrayed! trapped. one for all. all for one. d'artagnan. he was the best of us all.