duty lists of the day, captain! well, captain. here is food, the gift of your loving king, on his birthday! he gives to himself by giving to you, in that he loves you so much! no need to fight, there is plenty for all! sir. a casualty report came. i would not have disturbed you, majesty, but you ordered me to keep you informed -- athos, the former musketeer, has just fought with several of your guard, at the musketeers' gate. no. he cut an ear from one of the men, no one else was hurt. captain d'artagnan allowed him to leave. athos was upset about the death of his son, at the front. he did -- but captain d'artagnan blocked his way. do you want athos arrested, your majesty? out directing the search for the traitors. the corridor nullifies our number. and no one has stomach to fight the captain. magnificent valor. draw blades! stop! brother? all my life, all i ever wanted to be. was him. we have recaptured the prisoner.