riots? my people live in the world's most beautiful city, their king has the grandest palaces on earth. why should they feel anything but pride and contentment? sometimes the poor do grow hungry. but why would they riot about it? aramis! i have been expecting you! we are satisfied, that will do. next week. this is a mere garden party -- and i wish to join it, so i will be brief. i am experiencing resistance from the jesuits. i have demanded it -- and common priests present themselves! can you imagine the arrogance? common jesuit priests try to act as my equals, and they refuse to reveal the names of anyone else in their order! no one can keep secrets like the jesuits can, and the identity of their leader is the darkest secret they hold. even the pope himself does not know who leads the jesuit order in france! he suspects the governor general of jesuits, whoever he is, is angling to become pope himself. perhaps you can find out who this secret leader of the jesuits is. you are now a priest, but you were once a musketeer, serving the throne of france, a throne ordained of god. can you accept this mission, and keep it private? once a musketeer, always a musketeer, eh? ah yes, the riots. we have food stocks on the wharves right now, no? exactly why it should be given away. who is that? not the soldier, you idiot! what is it, d'artagnan? assassins falling from the sky now? i decided it this morning. i am king, d'artagnan. i will change my mind as i wish, and i will enjoy my banquet as i wish! let us play a game, d'artagnan, let us pretend i am king and you are captain of my musketeers. let us behave as if my wish is law. and my wish is to enjoy this party! it pleases us to announce an entertainment for our guests! a contest of agility and cunning! behold our unicorn! whichever of our guests captures the unicorn shall win its treasure! into the maze! all of you! disperse, i command you! are you men or mice?! michelle, isn't it? i would have said it was impossible, but i believe the excitement of the chase has made you even more beautiful. you blush! you do not wish to be beautiful to your king? wait! michelle, i -- a pitiful madman, nothing more. come, let us continue our chase! where is our unicorn? i'm hungry. i like to eat alone. by the way, you'll be moving tomorrow. aaa! d'artagnan! these passages were constructed for the king's security, not so you could step from my father's portrait and startle me to death! i already know about the riots, d'artagnan, i heard them out there whispering. some fool gave the order to distribute rotten food. i will deal with it tomorrow. a personal nature? betrothed? i think not. miss beaufort has accepted our invitation. by this we can only suppose that she wishes to come -- as we wish her to be here. that is my desire, and my desire is what should concern you, not the sentiments of some commoner! what quaint notions, d'artagnan! but they contradict my father, who picked his queen when he was old, and only then to bear me. you dare criticize my father?! or lecture me?! that is enough! you are a good servant, d'artagnan, but you forget your place! silence! i order you! i will consider it. now leave me. well done, pierre. it will be good for your soul, that you have taken responsibility for your errors. and don't worry, i will look after your family. do not rejoice -- but know that your king does not tolerate blunders that hurt his beloved people. more food is on its way, and my advisors tell me the new harvests are sure to be bountiful! and i have new joys to announce to you! today we decree a fresh glory for paris, and for all of france! the laying of the foundations to expand versailles, and make it truly a palace of the sun! how goes that favor i asked of you? you bring me the heart of the jesuit general, and you will have a palace of your own. how did i get in? you're new here, and will soon learn many secrets. what is that? a letter. may i see? from raoul. he urges you to guard your honor -- as if it could be in any danger. from your king. enough of this, our dinner waits. the food doesn't please you? this is more than you are used to. your mother is a seamstress, your father is dead. you have three younger sisters, two of whom suffer from consumption. don't look so surprised, kings know such things. wait, no! do not be ashamed. the straits of your family need not be permanent. it is a simple matter to have them brought to one of my country estates, where they may have fine meals, and physicians to look after them. my dear, i've already done it. please, darling, that isn't necessary. we are friends now. mademoiselle needs wine! you are beautiful. you know you are. if you don't want to be so appealing, why did you touch the rose to your skin? where was it? here? what is it? raoul? if he really loved you, he would have proposed marriage. he didn't, did he? you have never known love until you have known the love of a king. what?! no, you may wait behind the screen. yes, yes, go on. did they kill him? who was athos seeking? tell me! did he try to enter the palace? you may go, lieutenant. not by you. i will order d'artagnan to do it. my dear! the glass -- ! i did not want to upset you. it was tragic. i did everything i could for him. i ordered him positioned in a spot of complete safety, far from the fighting. but he disregarded my wishes and charged into danger. i will order a mass for his soul. it will guarantee his place in heaven. take this to my mother. what is wrong? what is wrong?! listen, my darling. raoul was a. a good friend. and now he is dead and that is very sad but -- no, my love. you will burn in hell, for your sins. but i will not -- for i am king. my position is ordained by god. d'artagnan! guards! out there! look! out there! he -- it. was nothing. a nightmare, nothing more. go away, i -- it shall be interesting tonight. you will protect me as you always have, d'artagnan. by the way, claude -- inform mademoiselle beaufort that she will be moving from her rooms -- never mind, it seems we have already told her. hysterical woman. she'll be gone tomorrow. mother -- ? i am preparing for a ball! what is it, mother? he is dead! by god's choice! there is nothing to discuss. i am king, mother! and i do not wish to discuss this with you. why would you ask now? you never asked before! you have prayed too much. your mind is weak. it -- it doesn't matter, mother! he is dead now! dead! if. if he was wearing an iron mask in your dream, then how could you know he was your son? i have a ball to attend! nothing, i -- continue. there! do you see it? tired. must. lie down. wh-- wha-- phillippe?! why do you call me -- d'artagnan, arrest them all! you will not shed royal blood! i want all these passages sealed! another stupid idea of my father's! seal them all, every one! even the bedchamber passages! let none remain! i was told this impostor was dead! he is my brother. my twin. which has kept him alive. until now. my guards are useless! take her from me! what had you to do with this, mother? he is nothing now. get out of my way. forgive?! they have plotted against me! me! the embodiment of god's will! you take the side of traitors? d'artagnan, you will hunt down aramis, porthos and athos, and bring me their heads, or i will have yours. and as for you, phillippe. back to the prison you shall go, and into the mask you hate. wear it until you love it. and die in it!! what was that sound?! did you hear it? it came from michelle's room! where is michelle? now. where is d'artagnan? when he returns, watch him. when he leaves again, you tell me. there! stop them! charge them! cowards! twenty run from four?! d'artagnan! shoot them! shoot them!