no, keeper. thank you, keeper. i'm sorry, keeper. no, keeper, it's my only book! what number did you tear out? what number, on the first page? two-thirty-seven: ". and the descendants of japeth are these: obediah, zebulon, hezekiah" what was the end page? six-two-one: ". though i speak with the tongues of men and angels, and have not love, i am but a clanging cymbal or --" we're playing, keeper! a game! take another page, any page! keeper and i are playing a game! a game, a game, we're playing a -- keeper? no. no! keeper, please, you cannot die! you're my only friend! help! someone! keeper is dead! i frighten you. it's okay. keeper was scared of me too, at first. i miss keeper. i miss him so much. my confession day! but where is the other one? i know you don't speak my language -- but is the other one all right? please tell me he is not dead too, or i will have lost everyone. i. tore my bible. or someone else did. but it was all right. "let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, oh lord our god and my redeemer." i'm sorry. you're never seen me before. i must frighten you. what are you doing? why do you -- what -- ? freedom? wh-- ? he is dead! who is he? no! please! just. water. this way. this place. i once lived in a country house. i had guardians -- an old man and woman. and tutors. but no friends. then when i was twelve, they came and took me to the prison. a man in black. i never saw his face. he took me to the cell. a blacksmith came and they put me into the mask. for days i shouted, "what have i done? why do you do this to me?" but no one heard, so i just stopped shouting. the old man and woman called me. phillippe. thank you. for your kindness. no, no! i am your -- no! no!