isn't it glorious! i have never seen a diamond so large! sire, i -- raoul! the army! oh raoul, don't despair! i will always be faithful. sire! i -- how did you -- nothing. raoul. is in love. it's lovely. it's just. i. we are humble people. you would do that, your majesty? sire, i -- shall i leave? did you know. about raoul? oh louis, louis. raoul. oh, raoul. we'll burn in hell. both of us. murderer! murderer! i wrote fromberge! under your seal! i wrote as you, demanding to know why he disregarded my order to keep raoul from danger! he writes back: "but your majesty! your last letter ordered me to put him in front of the cannon!" my gracious noble lord. how should i be? i came to give this back to you. in. the ballroom. but he isn't the same man.