do i look all right? i care only about michelle. should i ask her when we first arrive? or. or when we're leaving? i could ask her in the carriage -- but it is more romantic at the palace. i get so confused. mother's ring. i can't take this. michelle. michelle, i. ever since i returned i've been wanting to speak with you about. about -- no! thank you -- michelle, i -- the pendant will be yours! michelle, she -- the king has invited her to come live in the palace. we were at her door. i was just taking the ring from my pocket, for the third time today, when a young musketeer brought the invitation for her to become a lady-in-waiting for the queen mother. she cannot possibly refuse. her family is poor, they have even less money than we do. and along with the invitation, the king sent the diamond pendant, from the piglet. never mind, papa, it doesn't matter now. she loved me once. i want to die remembering that. i have rejoined the army, and asked to resume my commission at the head of the troops of general fromberge. it is already done. i have just stopped at mother's grave, to say goodbye, before coming to tell you. goodbye, father. i am sorry. mi-cheeelllll!! --