south america. i'm on to juarez. i have a friend there. it's a permit to carry a gun in columbia. the gun you're about to find in that suitcase. when did mexican customs start getting smart? i'm here. i'm in a customs holding tank in mexico city international. bring a bunch of cash. about 5k. i'm going to need it. listen it was a calculated risk. i've done it a million times and never got caught. it doesn't make sense to x-ray your bags coming off the plane. nothing wrong. so how's business? but don't you stay in el paso? yeah, right. and a level five shithole is better than a level six. your logic's inescapable. not for eight months. i was in columbia looking around, but, nothing seemed interesting. got no plans, rayburn, nothing on. just wanted to see you, how you were. came by on impulse. everything happens once if you live long enough. you're crazy. people would hire a has- been, ray? a drunk? and what if, just say, there was a kidnap attempt? a bodyguard has to be close to someone all the time. willing to talk. i'm not good at that. i came to visit you. a bodyguard. who's the guy? oh, now you think i can be trusted. yes. nine millimeter. a sig sauer 226. it's loaded. i drink. my coordination. reaction time. if top professionals try to kidnap your daughter, the service will be on par with the pay. i'll probably kill them. is that likely? it's war. the weakest suffer the most. so are you. thank you. scotch and a little water. never. no. i do not have family. thank you. if they like me. ein klines bisschen. who's emilio? i'm here for you? creasy. just call me creasy. in his room. tests his mag spring with his thumb, begins loading up. the full magazine joins with those already loaded. now's your chance. the united states. no state in particular. no. no. i'm looking for potential. places where the road bends, places away from buildings, places where the traffic thins out. but you don't have to understand. i do. so no talking. let me guess, you wouldn't stop talking? i'm a bargain. time will tell. pretty impressive. maybe i need to up my fee or get a larger gun. yeah, i've got to get used to the routes. i -- it won't happen again. so am i, sister. not for a long time, sister. romans, chapter 12, verse 21. i'm the sheep that got lost. here we go again. yeah. and spanish. it's a temporary license for the gun i'm carrying. i just went through all of this at the airport. there's still ink on my fingers from last week. that's right. no. no. it wasn't a school like yours and there was no sister anna. being unhappy is a state of mind. i never thought about it. no more questions. i'm not paid to be your friend. i'm paid to protect you. and don't start crying. look, this is the way i am. i don't like questions. i -- shit. come in. i'm fine. the food's fine. sometimes i don't eat. we'll be okay once she realizes i'm not a new toy. no. you're paying me to protect her, not amuse her. right? look. maybe this isn't going to work. maybe you should ask your husband to hire someone. more sociable. it is serious, mrs. ramos. i said, have you ever had a nine millimeter round that just didn't go off? i mean nothing. the hammer came down and nothing happened. dimple on the primer. maybe. sorry i woke you, ray. pinta, do you have a pencil? please? sorry. i wasn't hired to guard mr. ramos. if something happened, my reaction would be to fight to protect her. i have skills in that respect. pinta would benefit by the fact that. i'm a soldier. the answer is the truth. the question is foolish. you're fast. hey. pinta. what are you doing? do you think he'll come back? no. well, i let him go. yes. actually, he was driving me crazy. they'll be back in a week. the food is excellent, maria. you have a real talent. pinta! where? i don't think they're broken. anywhere else? i'm going to get you out, okay? it's okay. she's just scared. white lie. i didn't have a family. but i did have two kids. they're adults now. do you always sleep with him? i don't talk to them much. does he have a name? i spoke to your mother. she sends her love. some bodyguard i turned out to be. good night, pinta. blue bayou. you got it. did you sleep alright? how's the ankle? can you put your weight on it? in a week you should be fine. you need to practice. why do you ask? well, it's a sort of wife. in the west, it's one wife for one husband, but different cultures have different rules. you feel sorry for the husband? i guess i am. i had to do my homework on them when i worked there. also i enjoy history. no, that was in columbia. bang! no, no, come back. you don't flinch when a gun goes off; you react. you go. don't listen for the sound; don't anticipate it. concentrate on the sound itself. don't worry. you will. a man asked me questions once. he smoked a lot. there was no ashtray. remember you asked me what state i was from? where you're from isn't so much about geography; it's about events. where you're from is what happened to you. i guess that really does make me a hard case. no. yeah. two or three. don't move. nothing to do with me. or you. besides, there was another one in the passenger side of the van with a sawed-off shotgun. if i'd started shooting his friends, he would've had me. and you. a minimum close protection team consists of four men for high threat targets and environments. even in a low threat situation, you need two guards plus a security trained driver. i'm sorry. i dropped her at home. i think she's afraid of me. but not the same way most people are. i know you're not. i used to be. at first. but not anymore. the gunshot holds no fear. say it. you welcome the sound. the sound is what lets you go. the sound is what frees you. you are a prisoner in those blocks until you hear the sound. there's no such thing as tough. you're either trained or untrained. sleeping, looking sexy. your father has business. good luck. i'll be waiting here when you're done. pinta. the blocks. pinta's parents are in los angeles. i was going to wait in the courtyard, but. sees it. she hasn't even hit the water and he already knows she's won. watches her, satisfied with what he's done. then one day, he calls and says, 'i'm in love and i'm moving to mexico.' i said what happened to the plan? i hung up on him. when i met alicia, i got it. can i kiss her now, or after you've gone to bed? thank you, pinta, it's beautiful. could i stop you? that's not a question. still not a question. now that's a question. i don't know about your mom. for me, the problem isn't in the glass. the problem's in between my ears. yeah. because at one time, i didn't think enough. pinta, we've got to go. travel sucks at this time. that's strange. frank was a no-show. not like him to miss a ride. don't be a baby. you're tougher than that. then be trained. be a swimmer. you'll have to show me that number when we get home. continue to play in the wrong key, like you're dyslexic. like st. jude. a hopeless case that has a complete block about 'c' minor. but remember, "whoever resists authority will bring judgement upon themselves." new testament, romans 13. you'll be back in the water in twenty- four hours. remember 'dyslexic.' looking up from the window of the mercedes. as pinta is called back inside, creasy checks out, twirls the dandelion pinta gave him. hums to himself. "blue bayou." run, pinta, run! pinta. don't die, creasy, don't die. pinta. she's dead. isn't she? what am i doing here? no. am i a suspect? show me mugshots of mexican policemen. maybe then we'll get somewhere. stomach's gone. but. okay. got a thing i gotta do first. corolla. muzzle flashes. pinta screaming. i guess that makes you the smart one. it's a little late. thank you. because. i was already dead. i want you to know something. i'm going to kill them. anyone who opens their eyes at me. blue bayou is a dream, pinta. like you. why are you here? i'm going to need help, ray. yes or no? i'll take the .45 and the webley .32. i need less than standard packing. can you knock up a case for fifteen of each? cut the stock here. the barrel here. make sure you file it smooth. rocket launchers? maybe i can help your situation and you mine. i need the name and address of the owner of a toyota corolla, license number me31704. we didn't get the last digit so i need the ten possible matches. let's see how the relationship develops. i'll call you in the am. thanks. drive. you are jorge ramirez. drive. can you hear me? i am going to ask questions. if you don't answer, fully and truthfully, you will suffer much more than you have to. i'm going to cut your fingers off. one by one. if i have to. that's to cauterize the stubs. who are you? the ramos kidnapping. how did it work? ordered by who? who ordered it? where do i find him? i believe you. me, too. tell me about the guardians. who's he? who's he? how do i recognize him. in the next hour, where do i find your partner? her name was pinta. tell me about the girl. how does it work? who pays you? what's the pin number? the number you use at the bank machine. who killed her? you? don't lie to me. who's the boss? what money? who's tazinari? show me. who? who's they? now listen to me. if you tell me where to find the boss. i will let you live. camila. i've got her. i need something. do you have banking connections? the pin number is 4-7-4-7. i need to know whose account it is. i'll call you tomorrow. what do you know about the cop? tazinari. the one who made the ransom drop with samuel ramos? where does he live? give me the address. i'm not here to hurt you. i need to borrow your house and your car. are you the proud owners of the coupe deville? if you promise to speak softly and not to shout, i won't have to tape your mouths. did you know you have a dishonest policeman living in your neighborhood? forgiveness is between them and god. it's my job to arrange the meeting. do you have an old blanket you don't care about? i don't want to burn that wall. a 'man on fire' strides through the smoke and dust. a shotgun at his side and a molotov cocktail in his left hand. you know where you are? under the bridge. where the deal went south. now why don't you tell me what went down? and one of the founding members of la hermanidad. that's not my dick. that's the barrel of your own gun. shoved up your own ass. 44 magnum. now, how's your hearing? it's all up to you, commandante. tell me about you and 'the dreamer'. lucky how? and? you stole the drop. you done it before? o.k. so tell me more. the ransom was ten. don't lie to me! maybe your men stole from you. who gave the bags to ramos? that's what everybody keeps saying. another favor. get me banking info on jordan kalfus. u.s. deposits or withdrawals. thanks. oh, get me the same on samuel ramos. you don't, i'll call you. oh! i have a tape recording that i am sure will interest you. i'm going to talk to your wife. if you move or say one word, i'll kill you. i'm going to tell you a story. your lawyer is dead. someone didn't want him talking. last week he wired $2.5 million into his u.s. bank account. colonel ernesto tazinari is also dead. he hijacked the ransom drop, another $2.5 million. if my arithmetic is correct it means $5 million remains. your husband magically had five million deposited in a u.s. bank account last friday. they planned it, samuel and kalfus. an autosequestra. kalfus arranged for pinta to be taken to a safehouse. i'm sure he thought she'd sit there for three days eating pizza and watching tv. it didn't work out that way. everything got fucked up when i killed the cops and tazinari saw an opportunity. on the surface it was low risk and high return. this was the third autosequestra jordan had organized for clients. the other two succeeded. a bullet does not lie. a bullet tells the truth. and the truth will set you free. in many ways i think this bullet should be shared between you and lisa. hola. i show, you give me the information? where? i'm looking for rosanna guerrero. it's what you and rosanna named me. right? what do you want? i don't know shit about you. it's not worth it. be with them instead. are you going to arrest me or talk me to death? so you are going to talk me to death. then i hope the one who gets me has got lots of kids. what do you want? my deal is with rosanna. i knew you guys were up to something. are you two fucking? liar. just tell me who the bank card belongs to. name and address. i'm not. easy. off the top of my head, i don't know what they could've been. behind the wheel of the volkswagon, roars out chasing. reina rosas. how do you contact 'the boss'? what is his name? daniel what? so you're married to him? and this looks remarkably like his brother. what is his name? hello daniel. i've got your family and i want to negotiate. i want you. it's non-negotiable. i told you, non-negotiable. yeah. i want you. your brother wants to talk to you. listen to me. listen! i'm going to take your family apart piece by piece. yeah. yes. what do you mean? whose life? you're a liar. pinta's dead. i want proof of life. what did she call her bear? okay. where? lisa, don't hang up on me. pinta is alive. i want you to get into your car now and meet me on the south end of the footbridge between reforma and the freeway junction. in 45 minutes. then don't come. stay here. if you do something stupid, we won't get her back. pinta. pinta.