is that good or bad? when i heard it was this hospital i was so pleased. there's a pastry shop nearby. delgado's. do you know it? the best pastries in mexico. miguel manzano. i'm sure he isn't. though he's certainly adept at killing. so am i. these things take time, mr. creasy. she's dead. they fucked with 'the process' and his nephew died. did he say so? nothing? excellent work by the way. three men dead. only ten rounds fired. if two of the men in my division could shoot like that, i could get rid of the other thirty-six. believe it or not, you're safe here. the judicial police will kill you. if they can. this page? you have a rather checkered past. mr. creasy. your interpol file is six pages long. no. it would be convenient, but no. all these photos you just saw were of policemen. sadly they're protected. la hermanidad. the brotherhood. he'll die of his wounds; bleed to death before he can do anything. we did voice analysis of the last five high profile kidnappings, including the little girl. the same man 'the dreamer'. listen to this. i know this. your point? it's a moral issue. on one hand you're cleaning up the bad guys, but in another way we are feeding the problem that produces bad guys. whoever did this was methodical, unafraid. was jorge's mugshot in the photos we showed creasy? mr. creasy was, and maybe is again, a very lethal human being. what's surprising these days? your sister? only a virgin cooks like this. pollo pibil. chicken and chorizo sausage. hmmmh. they marinate it in lemon and orange juice. it's a stew really. tell me about your friend creasy. i read the file. you and creasy have seen quite a bit together. you helped him get this job. yes. but if i traced creasy to you, others will do it as well. their facilities are as good as my own, if not better. you and creasy both. a two man army according to interpol. panama. lebanon with the druze. desert storm. where you were contracted by the u.s. army to hunt down elite iraqi military commanders. you two were a married couple. what happened to him? what happened to creasy? this is my jurisdiction. i want these men as much as creasy does. i plan to. i'll even help him if i can. he's going to lead me to the 'the dreamer'. someone i want very badly. but i'd like to understand him. give me that. what was she to creasy then? and they took that away. is it true? creasy saved the little girl that was kidnapped yesterday. when you talked to him, did he look sane? i think he's. magnificent. you only fuck me to get information. a beautiful circle. i should start going for your tits first. he'll show. he's the man, 'the boss?' my guys got into the house on the pretext of giving cholera shots. we had to inject the whole barrio. we bugged the house and stole the picture of him. manzano looks at rosanna. now's the time to really pressure him. lets publish his picture in tomorrow's edition. hombre en fuego. man on fire. that's what the papers have named you. sit, creasy. everything that happens from now on does so with my permission. really. you won't find a better carne asada in all of mexico. the last few days may represent the best police work of my life. the same thing as you. except, my reach isn't as long as yours. my father was a policemen, did you know that? he was one of the original founders of 'le hermanidad' in the days when it represented good not evil. he was murdered. and now here i am. trying to honor his memory. hamstrung by bureaucracy and corruption. the organization that he began now protects criminals at the highest level where i would need a presidential finding in order to expose it. or you. my family lives in miami. because of the death threats. it galls me to watch you. you can do as much in days as i can in years. men like the 'the dreamer' are protected. out of everyone's grasp it seems, but yours. my country needs justice. proper justice. gunning men down in the street only feeds the violence. they need to be brought to trial. dealt with properly. then people will respect the law. when they see it works. you walk out and deal justice. you're what i wish i could be. the policemen who kills you, his family will have all they want. i want to arrest you for murder! i want to shake your hand and reload your gun! i want to kill my pride and give you my blessing. no, but i have to admit i thought about it. you have no interest in making things easy, do you? percodan. i imagine you need handfuls by now. account belongs to a woman we think is the dreamer's girlfriend. reina rosas, who is 8 months pregnant. the plan is the girlfriend will lead you to the boss. you'll lead me, and i'll arrest him. agreed? creasy. i'd have liked to have known you under different circumstances. do nothing. do nothing. prepare yourself for an incoming call. damn. i'm your chauffeur now, creasy. all units. commence the operation. repeat. commence. creasy? creasy? goddamn you. hold at the perimeter. until i enter.