a bodyguard was shot trying to protect a 9 year old. the bodyguard's american. not only that he's black. that's good. really good. he shot and killed two judicial cops and a kidnapper died in the attack. they're saying he's responsible. the two officers who were killed. records show they were off duty at the time. if they were off duty, why were they in a patrol car? what exactly were they doing at the scene of a kidnapping? were they known for their exceptional good luck? i wouldn't gamble leaving him here. these guys will kill him in a heartbeat 'while trying to stop him from escaping.' a lot of people are looking for you. we're interested in the same thing. i'm writing a story. this might interest you. i found it across the street. it's santa muerte. death worship. the religion of la hermanidad. there's a curse on you. what are you going to do? i can help. i have a situation mr. creasy. there is a brotherhood called le hermanidad which protects both high ranking government officials, corrupt police, and organized crime at a level that is very difficult for me to touch. i believe you were a victim of this organization. you and this story may help to unmask them. so where do we begin? so what do i get in return? he sounded strong to me. stronger than we are. because he's outside. because he's not tied to the same system we are. he's protected by la hermanidad. creasy is not a policeman. my sense is he could be very valuable to us. then what do you have to lose? rosanna guerrero. where are you? last night. do you know something? camila. camila valencias. i have connections. where do i find you? he's an old fashioned patrone with the worst reputation. he's high on my hit list. he lives in a judicial compound. he travels by motorcade. he has better protection than george bush. even more importantly he is part of la hermanidad. his reach is far and wide. and left three more dead men. no. not by the rules of polite society at least. you only give information so you can fuck me. let's put creasy to press. there's a vigilante cleaning up mexico. an unstoppable hero. and as long as we're talking information, there's something else as well. how do i contact you? we still don't have the atm info. i traced the pin. i have an address for you. but i need to see you. deal. who's that? so how are going to recipricate?