and now every mother with money in mexico city wants bigger and better bodyguards. my own wife included. do you know what she told me last night? and bankruptcy. where will that put me in the social strata? our daughter. these people are professionals. they don't waste their time taking children whose fathers are virtually bankrupt. of course i care about pinta. she'll be as beautiful as her mother one day. i have a policy, aig. it covers me and my family and when it runs out in sixty days, without a bodyguard, i will not be able to renew it. i know! i just had to let one go because i couldn't afford him! for a year? and lisa will be able to save face. we won't be the only family without a bodyguard. for an american she understands this country very well. you drive easily. smoothly. were you provided with a gun? show me, please. what is it? have you used this type before? is it loaded? you will meet my wife first. she would like it if you are presentable, polite and respectful. you'll be the fifth candidate she's seen this week. your resume is impressive. nine years in the army. extensive counter terrorism work. i shouldn't be able to afford you in my current state. what's the catch? how does it affect you? and what if amateurs try it? no. and no one is to know of your drinking problem. that includes my wife. my wife, mr. creasy. he has experience in related work. a great deal of it. i think it's fantastic. hmm? pinta loves school. she'd like count dracula is he took her back there. you enjoy it for us, pinta. i want to thank you, creasy. for what you did for my wife. what? who? why? you were so pleased with him. that's ridiculous. i've just been so busy, lisa. the three month trial ends in a week. i just won't confirm the position. that possibility was understood when i hired him. i won't create bad feelings. and another week won't make a difference. it will be a hard break. i wasn't thinking of pinta. creasy, how are you? no discussion, pinta. mr. lozzi is a famous teacher. if he accepts you, you will play. it's impossible. i cannot afford thirty million. i will need to borrow the money. the realities are i do not have access to this type of money. yes, i will give you interest. hello. he said no phones! our lifestyle was in jeopardy. my pain and weakness only fueled your anger and determination. i wasn't sure about whether to go through with it or not. then i woke up one day and it was done. jordan was supposed to take care of it.