senor ramos. i am ernesto tazinari, commandante of the judicial anti- kidnapping division. i have a written order from the public ministry. two police officers were killed. this is the attorney general navarro bernal diaz. the law requires an intervention by the authorities "de officio." you do your job. i'll do mine. do you know who i am? i am the commandante of the judicial anti- kidnapping division. correct! please, don't. i don't know him. i saw the opportunity and got lucky. that he used policemen. that you killed them, it made it a police matter. the ramos family couldn't refuse our involvement. and i had my men ready. yes. many times. there was no ten million dollars. two and a half. that's how much there was. two and a half! the rest was paper! strips of paper! no. whoever took the rest took it before the exchange. his lawyer. jordan kalfus. that's all i know! please. i'm sorry for the girl. but it was business! i'm a professional.