you'll see him on friday when we shoot. now run the lines with rodney. he just arrived. look, i'm told this clifton guy is a little eccentric. you're all just gonna have to roll with the punches this week. george, we've lost two days. filming is on friday. we have to let him go! so we'll go downstairs and tell him! well whoever the fuck that is, i'm firing him! no, no, andy, nothing like that. but. tony's not fitting in. his style of performance is too. burlesque. andy, i'm calling you up like this because i have the utmost respect for your artistry. but -- i need your permission to fire him. andy, i have to do it. he's a terrible actor. yes, andy, i will. we had a deal!! yeah!! i talked to andy kaufman! get off my stage! you're fired! who're you?! security! escort this man off the lot!! i don't want those pictures getting out. wait -- he's one of them! that asshole! that fucking bastard!! we had a fuckin' deal, and that cocksucker shafted me!! i'm not in! yeah??? huh? well -- thank you.