i wanna kill that jerk. i don't need turtle wax. buzz off. go patronize somebody else. oh. so you were just pretending to be an asshole. hi. am i late? no thanks. andy, the theater's that way! fine. why did you call me? the last person i ever expected to get a call from was you. hi. am i late? no thanks. andy, the theater's that way! fine. why did you call me? the last person i ever expected to get a call from was you. you were impressed with something. it's pretty odd when a man sports a hard-on that large on national television. i'm here, ain't i? do i wanna go to memphis and get married? why memphis? and all this will be for real? look here, andy kaufman! i'll take you on -- sissy! no! you get in the kitchen. i'm gonna make you dry my dishes! andy. who is that? is this an act -- or are you addicted to causing trouble?? then stop treating me like a fucking prop. i'm warning you, kaufman: one morning you're gonna wake up. and your head's gonna be shaved. is this a strategy? andy!!! somebody get a doctor! andy!!! somebody get a doctor! it's me. i brought you haagen dazs. chocolate. andy, you're not horrible. you're just. complicated. andy. there is no real you. andy!!. where are you? i've been worried sick. now??. where do you want to meet?. okay, i'll call them. they get you on the coffee. andy, are you serious? jesus, andy! can they cure it? have you told your family? how can you be so casual??! you're not dying! god, you're so detached!! it's all macrobiotic. millet, burdock root, kelp. andy says it'll purify him. andy? stop it! c'mon, put that down.