that's my boy! good swingin', kiddo. hey -- michael. where's your brother? is he in his room? andy! andy, this has to stop. our house isn't a television station. there is not a camera in that wall. you know that's not what i meant! look, i'm gonna put my foot down! no more playing alone. you wanna perform, you gotta have an audience! no! that is not an audience! that is plaster! an audience is people made of flesh! they -- live and breathe! got it?! what's the difference? this thing's on in the middle of the night -- no one's even gonna see it. it's on! janice, it's on! where? he said he's coming back! i shoulda made him play outdoors. who knows?! that kid is totally meshuga. they're gonna lynch him! why isn't he moving?? b-but. we saw. your neck. andrew -- how dare you!! for all we knew, you were dying! look at your mother -- she's still shaking! b-but. we saw. your neck. andrew -- how dare you!! for all we knew, you were dying! look at your mother -- she's still shaking! how dare you make light of this! jesus! he's got lung cancer! sure -- but what if he isn't? my son could be dying. and we're actin' like we're on candid camera.