uh, yeah. is this george shapiro? "speaking"! reeking, seeking, creaking. freaking! yeah! you stay away from that andy kaufman, if you know what's good for you! you -- you know damn straight who it is. tony clifton! a name to respect. a name to fear. beer. gear. deer. ear. kaufman's a lying bastard! if you sign him, i'll ruin you! heh-heh. how ya all doin'? "volare! whoa, whoa. cantare, whoa whoa whoa whoa." okay! so, you havin' a good time, sir?! what's your name? "bob"? bob! bob bob bob. bob what? "gorsky"? what is that, polish? are you tryin' to do some of that polack humor? well if that's so, you can just get the hell out of this restaurant! shut up! i hate them polish jokes! see, that's exactly what i'm talkin' about! here! i'll give you a little humor! taxi! laxy! just the factsy, maxie! them's all the words that rhyme with taxi!. right, girls? and now, the new theme song! "oh yes, we drive a taxi, and we're havin' fun. yeah, we work together, and we get the freakin' job done." "burlesque"? fuck you! i ain't goin'!! i don't know what yer talkin' about. you musta talked to someone else -- i don't know nothin' about no kaufman. he's been ridin' my coattails, smearing my reputation. been usin' my good name, to get places. i got a contract!! i'm gonna take you to the department of labor! stop! getcher hands off me! stop! help! you wouldn't do this to wayne newton -- hey. good hustlin'. shut up!!!!!! thank you! thank you! i wrote this tune for my friend frank sinatra. he had a nice little success with it. but forgot to thank me on the album. what is that crap? looks like somethin' my dog would puke up!! how 'bout me and you dolls go get some real food: french fries and a porterhouse steak! i ain't andy! i'm tony! andy's sick -- pick, chick, kick, lick! the doctor says he's a goner. but tony's built like a mule! andy asked me to be his pallbearer! i'll do it for him! i'm getting stronger and stronger! here, watch this! yeah, you're right. we better get movin'. we don't wanna miss happy hour at kelbos -- all the mai tai's you can drink for $4.99. dammit. how ya doin'? don't know nothin' about no andy. just some dead guy tryin' to ride my coattails. let's hit it, boys! one, two, anda one two three four!