he never says, 'honey i love you, you're doing a great job.' i don't feel he respects me as a person and i'm just not that happy with the stature of our relationship. i feel like he's not plugged into my needs, and i'm not getting enough positive feedback. see, look at him shaking his head. oh that's a lie. no, you know what this whole thing hinges from? he came to rent a building from me which is now his place of business. alright, there. right now. that's another thing i want to interject. okay, this syndrome where i've asked him to address me by my given name and he just goes on ignoring my wishes. i don't want you to ever call me iwo jima again! if you can't call me adele, don't call me anything at all. next time i want to bring out some of our sexual hot spots. the hell i'm not. daddy, do you want this marriage to work or not. harry! what the hell do you think you're doing? who is it, paul anka? you know, it's t-minus zero and counting, harry, on this whole shitty deal. if you leave, i'm getting top lock to come over and change the front and back doors! i mean it! you get in that van, and i'm taking my building back and putting in a fingernail salon!