you get with it. he sits down at his desk and begins going through his drawers, looking for something. she lowers the paper and looks over at him: do you like my hair this way, or do you like it straight? i think i'll go down to the amazon, and get involved with the trees. they need people, because that hole is getting. yeah?. i doubt that he's here at this present time. yeah, maybe later today sometime. who are you addressing? uh, the executive kennel maid. uh-huh. yeah. okay, i'll tell him. so long. ferde at something motors. he wants two payments by tomorrow or he's gonna come an' repop the van. you know, you said you were going to get me a little honda elite to tool around in. well, i'm not. so? i'm sick of dog turds anyway. he scowls at her, then looks out the window: you big flirt. soak this. as he opens the back panel: oh screw her. he closes the back panel and as he moves past her: you would. on his way to the driver's door: well i don't, he isn't even your dog. you want a know something? there's some people that don't treat me like you do. i know one guy that says very complimentary things to me, like that i have nice features and a sense of humor. * some guy i met, that likes me. he looks at her, then reaches over and places a hand affectionately on the nape of her neck: maybe. * as if you cared. *