yes. yes. i see. well if the woman won't talk, she won't talk and that's that, i suppose. all right. wouldn't it be superfluous, considering that he's dead? his aim wasn't quite as good as you led me to expect. the target merely received a slight flesh wound in the arm. worse than useless. then your french friend panicked, and made a fatal crash -- landing on the floor of the albert hall. i'm glad you're able to treat the matter so lightly. i am holding a reception here this evening. in a few minutes, i have to welcome our prime minister as my guest of honor -- when i hope and expected that he would be totally unable to attend. that amuses you, no doubt? no. but i do. you've muddled everything from the start. kidnapping that child in marrakesh. don't you realize that americans dislike having their children kidnapped? and then, to crown it all, you get cold feet and come running along here to hide -- and bring the child with you: don't you see what you've done to the diplomatic status of this embassy? how are you going to get the child out of here, eh? eh? eh? eh? with plain-clothes detectives planted right round this building? you english intellectuals will be the death of us all. time! i want the child removed from this embassy, and removed in such a way that he won't be able to say any more where he has been tonight. come in. madame, you saved the life of the one man, who is irreplaceable in our country. stanis would you put up some chairs quickly. ladies and gentlemen, we have with us tonight. jo conway. the famous jo conway. she has graciously consented to sing for us . darling would you see that the prime minister has a very good seat.