hank! northern africa. we're only a hundred miles north of the sahara desert! just wait till you see marrakesh. you bet it does. now wait a minute. wait a minute. simmer down. i'd like to thank you. without your help, anything might have happened. may i introduce my wife, mrs. mckenna. and this is our son, hank. oh, sure, sure. 0f course. next to jo, there. oh, uh -- that's my wife's name. jo. jay oh. no "e." for josephine. called her jo so long, nobody knows her by any other name. i'm a doctor. he can spell "haemoglobin" -- but he has trouble with "cat" and "dog." indianapolis, indiana. the good samaritan. we've been to a medical convention in paris. and while we were in europe, i thought i'd like to see morocco again. i was up around casablanca with an army field hospital, that's all. we looked in on rome and lisbon a few days. at the most we'll have three days. would you like to share our taxi to the hotel? all right. but i'll serve the drinks in our suite. no. now that's not a fair bargain. well -- that's what we came here for. okay, jo? simple one of those arabian nights? you'll do. see you later. and thinks again. the carriage awaits, madame. hold on. hold on! here we go! what arab? all right. let's assume they knew each other, and louis bernard didn't bother to tell us. what does that mean? he struck me as quite normal i know his name. and, uh. now hold on. wait a minute. we were just talking casually. what difference does it make? i have nothing to hide. jo. i know this is mysterious morocco. inscrutable natives gliding through twisted, narrow streets, but -- then relax. you're just mad because he didn't ask any questions about you. will you take care of the driver? my name is mckenna, doctor mckenna. oh come on. right in there. yeah. she is pretty good. i've had the same feeling. often. good. excusez moi, mais is cherche la chambre do monsieur montgomery. sorry, there's no montgomery here. it's all right. good evening. my name is mckenna. sit down, jo, please. people are staring at us. what people? jo, will you stop imagining things? how do you do. we're mr. and mrs. mckenna. it's just that i'm a doctor. yes. and a doctor's wife. i have nothing against working in new york. nothing except the fact that it's very hard for my patients to come all the way from indianapolis for treatment. do you think we could get straightened around. it seems to me if you have four good fingers, and a thumb, you should use them all. that sounds like interesting work. look, we only met him today. we can't expect him to change his whole life -- nothing! what's the matter with you?! can you blame him? turning down an old married couple for a date with a girl like that? i want to get up. good. i'll just go over and cancel out. yeah, there's a lot of that going around these days. wouldn't you rather be in now york -- rehearsing? well, if you do -- let's talk about it -- seriously. you're probably right. just like the county fairs when i was a kid. they'd get everything but the balloon ascension. that didn't sound too hilarious to me. you're probably right. i don't know whether or not to believe you. including sleeping with a man who always smells of ether? oh fine, fine. haven't dropped anybody yet. all the way home we'll be riding on herbie taylor's ulcors. oh, i know it's just a song and a dance here and there. but it's all he thinks about. show business. he has a good mind. give him a chance to develop it. i didn't say that. and for every matinee? now if we could only get four cases of the seven-year itch, we could retire. or, if mrs. yarros really has triplets, we could at least redecorate the house. one of the reasons i came to a place like marrakesh is so that we could say things like this without anybody hearing us. this is the safest place. yeah -- but, but this is the first time i've heard the question! hank! hank -- come back here! louis bernard. got something to write on? yes. yes. he's dead. do we have to? what's more important -- why was he killed? i'll tell you later. i don't feel very good after what i said about louis bernard last night. i didn't know him at all. we only met yesterday on a bus. they'll have to believe me. it's true. that's right. a surgeon. a tourist, and an american citizen. i didn't have. a medical convention. i met him yesterday -- on the bus -- for the first time in my life. i know nothing about louis bernard. what's that? now, look here. boy, you not only ask the questions you also answer them -- wait a minute let me ask you a question. assuming bernard trusted me as implicitly as you say, i would never reveal anything he said to me, would i? let's get something straight. i'm a tourist traveling for pleasure. i somehow got involved in an unfortunate incident. i came down here to make a simple statement of fact, and not to be subjected to a police grilling. now hold your horses! just hold them. wait a minute. a telephone call for me? where? i'll take the call now. you just take it easy. hello. this is mckenna. who's calling me? hello. drayton! didn't your wife say she was taking hank straight back to the hotel? call her. somebody just threatened me about hank. see if he's all right. four fourteen. she didn't come back? look -- you get back to the hotel right away -- and see if you can find out what's going on. i'll finish up with the police and join you as soon as i can. just don't waste any time! it was the concierge at the hotel. he heard we were being held by the police and thought there was some way he could help us. i told him if we weren't back there in fifteen minutes to call the american consulate in casablanca. let's go, jo. if it doesn't take too long. i don't -- i don't think you should. because i didn't want to. is at stake, i know, but i'm not sure of what's the right thing to do. maybe. i know. jo. about hank. well. he. he's the kind of a kid who can take of himself. you get the key. i'll take care of the driver. uh. pardon me. do you know mrs. drayton? did you see her come back from the market place anytime in the past hour or so? wait a minute. you don't understand. she had a small boy with her. mine. how about mister drayton? he what? he couldn't have. no, mr. drayton, the englishman with horn-rimmed glasses. jo, hold the call for a minute. because i asked you to. i hope we don't. wait 'til i come back. something to relax you. jo, they're for you. i'm the doctor. you know how you get when things happen -- tense and upset. now do me a favor. six months ago you weren't a witness to a murder. you've been excited, fatigued -- talking a blue streak and going around in circles. jo, i make my living knowing when and how to administer medicine. you'll feel a lot better tomorrow if you take these today. but you don't think so. okay, i'll make a deal with you. there's something about louis bernard, the police station, and this whole spy business that i haven't told you yet. this is the price of curiosity. there's one way to find out. just a minute. this whole thing strange right from the very beginning. it was no accident that louis bernard helped us out on the bus, and struck up a conversation. you were right about him. yes. yes, you were right about him. he was. was strange. he got talking to us because he was on the lookout for a suspicious married couple. he was wrong. it was a different married couple. no. he found them. in the restaurant. last night. that's why he was killed. that's just who it was, jo. listen to me. and listen carefully. that phone call i received at the police station. it wasn't from the concierge at the hotel. it was from somebody with a foreign voice who said if i told anybody one word of what. louis bernard whispered to me in the market place that something. something might happen to. to, to hank. they've taken him away. mrs. drayton has vanished! she never came back here! and hank didn't either! jo, mr. drayton, checked out of the hotel thirty or forty minutes ago! i wasn't sure, until now. darling, if somebody did this to me, i'd say just what you said. there's still no news of him, jo. both the draytons are definitely gone. the hotel register says they come from london. drayton told the concierge he was a college professor. the only thing to do now is to get out of marrakesh. as individuals we're helpless here. and because of that phone call, we can't bring the police in on it. i even thought of taking that chance. but connect hank's disappearance to louis bernard's murder. and the first thing they'd do would be to make me tell them louis bernard's message. that. that could be, hank's. well, it wouldn't help him. we're going to london. i found out. the draytons had a private plane -- that's how they took hank back. it could lend anywhere -- no question of a passport or anything. so we're going to london to find him. a man. a statesman. is to be killed. assassinated . in london. soon. very soon. tell them. in london. to try ambrose chappell. we're going to try this ambrose chappell and if he has anything at all to do with this, i'm going to offer him every cent i've got to got hank back. this ambrose chappell guy is our only hope. understand, jo? we've only got a few hours, jo! we have to got up and start moving. i've paid the bill, and there's a car waiting downstairs. as soon as i pack, we're leaving. i guess you're the kind of girl they don't forget. all i did was wire val and helen parnell to get us rooms -- but i didn't count on this -- yes? what is it? whatever you say. now what do you people want with us? who is mr. buchanan? why does scotland yard want to talk with us? what about hank? what have you heard? i think they took him for money. jo. that might be true, but -- now, don't try to frighten us, mr. buchanan. you worked on the wrong mckenna, mr. buchanan. louis bernard talked to me, not my wife. bernard spoke in french, and i don't understand a word of the language. maybe. maybe isn't good enough for me, and it shouldn't be good enough for you. now jo, i didn't mean it that way. we made up our minds what we were going to do -- now let's try to stick to it. we'd like to cooperate with you, mr. buchanan -- but -- but we just can't. well, maybe if we -- hank. this is daddy. where are you, hank? where are you? hank, where are you? for heaven's sake, where are you?!! do i have to say any more? it's fine. just fine. oh yes. thank you. you'd better keep your book. the only clue we have which might lead us to hank. the place and identity of mr. ambrose chappell. there it is -- big as life -- ambrose chappell. ambrose chappell - sixty-one burdett street. camden town. telephone - gulliver 6198. don't you want me to call him? i'll try not to be too wrong. i'll offer to keep my mouth shut and give him all the money we have -- for hank. operator. get me . gulliver 6198. thank you. hello, hello? is this ambrose chappell? mr. ambrose chappell? all right. i will. i it's only business. it's nothing. hello? mr. ambrose chappell? i said is this ambrose chappell? . well this mr. mckenna. uh,. doctor benjamin mckenna. well, uh, uh . are you going to be at your address for a while? uh huh, it's just some business. nothing big. uh huh, well thank you. i'll drop around. i can believe it. how do you do, jan. haven't you been home recently? he -- he's staying with some other people -- so we can have a little time to ourselves. i'm taking orders for drinks. room service, please. will you order the stuff? i'll be back in a little while. thank you, but i'll catch up when i get back. it has to be done, jo. you can't. i won't disappear. promise. two people are much easier to follow than one. we don't want buchanan's men on our tracks. or the other people, either. i'm going out by the service entrance -- i. i'd like to speak to mr. ambrose chappell, please. well you see, i uh. oh, of course, mckenna. doctor benjamin mckenna, i called you. you are ambrose chappell? you do? i'm doctor mckenna. does the name mean anything to you? you have no idea why i came here? i was given your name by someone i happened to meet in marrakesh. i suppose you've heard of him. louis bernard. a frenchman. let's stop fencing with words, huh? bernard told me to come here, just before he died. you know it as well as i do. now i came to make a business proposition. and i don't see how you can turn it down. you want to talk here? okay. first of all, i haven't uttered one word of what bernard told to before he died. and i won't. frankly i'm not interested in political intrigue, and i don't care who it is you're going to kill here in london. all i want is that boy, and i'll get on the first plane for america. now that isn't all. if money will do anything. you told him to call the police. now don't try to bluff me like that! you don't know louis bernard? and you don't have any idea what went on in marrakesh yesterday, or where my boy is? now just a minute. take it easy. i obviously got the wrong place. now stay away from me. where's jo? but -- but, that's where i've been. where is it! what's the address? jo? no -- i drew a complete blank. i have the address, jo. now stay there until i get there. and don't do anything! will you stick around? we'll be back as soon as we can. i don't know how to thank you. you may have just hit it right on the nose. you can't be farther wrong than i was with my ambrose chapel. let's go. no, honey, please, no -- let's take a crack at this alone. this looks like mother wild goose chase. look who's coming down the aisle. that's buchanan's phone number. go on out and call him and ask him to surround the place with police. tell him. tell him everything. this is the time. i'm sure hank is around here some place. i don't know how else to do it, honey. where's my boy, drayton? what do you want? i'll give you money and keep my mouth shut. all i want is my boy. tell me what you want. i'll do anything. hank! hank mckenna! hank! where are you? hank! hank! then he didn't kill him? don't be a fool. too bad you didn't contact your assistant. he sent us both here. you see, we finally needed that help you offered. we still need it. recognized him, and he recognized me. so he jumped for it. and that is all. if the draytons are at the embassy, hank has to be there too! why can't you? what does that mean in common language? does that mean they can steal children and get away with it? what's the telephone number of this embassy. grosvenor 0144. i'm going to speak to the minister himself. may i speak to the prime minister, please? tell him the lady who saved his life wants to speak to him. its important. i'm sure she would be glad to. wouldn't you dear? no. i'll just stand over here. i don't think you want to start any shooting, drayton -- with all those people downstairs, and police outside. don't ask me for help, you miserable. there won't be. hank -- don't say or do anything. i'm sorry we were gone so long, val, but we had to go and pick up hank.