standing on the fringe of the crowd watching the acrobats are the mckennas. standing on the fringe of the crowd watching the acrobats are the mckennas. the camera dollies along beside them as they pass down a line of arab barbers all busily engaged with shaving and cutting the hair of their customers. the camera panning through the market place to a line of veiled women all working at singer sewing machines. drayton saunters behind them in the distance. jo holds out her hand for ben to shake it. the camera panning through the market place to a line of veiled women all working at singer sewing machines. drayton saunters behind them in the distance. hank, fascinated at the drama, dishes away to got a better view. mrs. drayton comes up to the group, still holding on to hank's hand. the mckenna's are walking across the square with the police and drayton a few yards behind them. the camera moves with them. jo moves close to ben and speaks to him in a surreptitious manner.