mr. drayton is standing by an arab who has a small gambling table set up, possibly roulette, there are others gambling. after a moment's hesitation, and a look around to see that he is safe from mrs. drayton, he chances a small bet. he loses. an old man squatting on his heels and surrounded by a small circle of onlookers is reading from a book. his voice intones monotonously. the camera pans to the right and we see hank mckenna standing watching him. hank is holding on to mrs. drayton's hand. a larger group of people who are gathered around some acrobats who are performing rather well. mrs. drayton reaches down and takes hold of hank's shoulders, and pulls him toward her. the arab hesitates for a moment, but the attitude of his head shows us that he has seen mckenna. he makes his way desperately and painfully toward him. he is finding it difficult to remain upright and even take those last few steps. a closer view of mckenna shows that those around him, including his wife and the draytons, become frightened. he spreads his arms out to move them back protectively, waiting to see what is going to happen. ben drops to his knees to examine the man better. the arab gasps out something in french. ben glances swiftly at the fallen knife, and then reaches across louis bernard to turn him over and examine his wound. but the frenchman reaches up with one arm and grabs ben by the coat. as ben backs away, we see the staring eyes, and open mouth of louis. ben quickly puts his hand inside the robes to feel for louis' heart, the hand slowly withdraws. ben rises. ben beckons to his wife beyond him, to join him. jo turns hank over to mrs. drayton. hank stands close to the english woman as jo comes over. as jo comes up to ben, he is feeling in his pocket for something. takes out a pen. the policeman repeats his question as he stops in front of ben.