the camera then pans her across the empty chapel to a side door. she goes through it. she comes up a flight of stairs, the camera moving with her. she stops at a door on the first landing, takes a key out of her pocket, and unlocks the door. she enters. inside of a small, almost bare room, mrs. drayton closes the door behind her and stands with her back to it, watching. the camera pans slightly to reveal the rest of the room. sitting at a small table is a listless, young hank mckenna. he is playing checkers with the woman we saw at the airport who was standing with the autograph hunters, watching jo mckenna. the one with the dirty glasses, who made a phone call. hank has caught the woman in a checker trap, and with obvious satisfaction jumps three of her men. ben watches drayton, with little charity in his heart. there is a stir in the congregation when drayton tells them to go home. they look at each other, uncertainly. when drayton reaches the two steps of the altar, he beckons the organist to him. she comes, and he whispers something to her. he then motions his wife nearer to him, and also whispers something to her. mrs. drayton goes off through a side door by the altar, while the organist makes her way down the aisle through the congregation to stand by the door. the camera pans ben as he threads his way up through the women who are filing out. drayton stands at the front of the chapel, waiting. finally, after a slow and deliberate walk up the now nearly empty chapel, ben comes face to face with drayton. drayton greets him with bland amiability. ben turns back to drayton to find that his manner has changed somewhat. he grabs him quickly by the throat of his robes. one of the men is obviously the chauffeur type, and the other one, a handyman type in his shirtsleeves. ben takes this in, and notices the open door behind them. ben maneuvers himself toward the pulpit, and suddenly dashes for the steps. the chapel is deserted inside. in the dim light we can see a form stretched out on the floor. it is ben. he begins to stir a little as if just beginning to come to after being knocked unconscious. inside the chapel we can see the cause of the spasmodic bell ringing. ben is using the rope to climb out of the chapel. he succeeds in reaching high window. he holds on to the window, and looks down. ben decides to swing to the opposite window which will be away from the street. he swings, grabs, and with some difficulty manages a foothold. he finally climbs out through the window.