the headwaiter bows slightly. they are passing a couple who are seated on cushions eating. the couple look up at ben and jo. they are the same two people we saw come out of the hotel mamounia just as the mckennas entered. the woman had stared at jo, and she does it again, nudging the man next to her with an elbow. the mckennas almost pass them, then stop. the woman continues half-looking over her shoulder again, then turns back to her dinner. the headwaiter shows them to their seats -- two cushions directly behind those of the two people who stared at them. ben looks at her, then slowly turns his head to look behind him at the couple. as he does, the woman behind him also turns. they are staring directly at each other. another angle, featuring the man, and ben. we now find the draytons and the mckennas are sitting in a group, eating dinner together. there is no back to back awkwardness. all are busily tearing whole roast chickens apart with their bare fingers. drayton holds a piece of chicken aloft, demonstrating the proper arab method of eating. as the couple traverses the restaurant, our four diners watch them -- the draytons out of idle curiosity, but the mckennas with growing astonishment as they realize that bernard has no intention of recognizing them, or speaking to them. jo turns back to ben. over in the far corner of the restaurant, the lady with louis bernard leans forward and murmurs something in french. her gaze is across the room in the direction of the mckennas.