the startled woman, instantly horrified, covers her face with her hands and gives a sharp cry, with the bus still bumping and swaying, hank staggers a bit without realizing that he still has, hold of the woman's veil. the arab in the brown robes begins assaulting the boy in furious arabic, indicating that he wants the veil. still staring straight at the arab, both frightened and fascinated by his verbal attack, hank retreats. ben rises quickly and advances protectively toward his son and the oncoming arab. jo seems to be studying bernard, as if puzzled. jo his been listening. she seems annoyed at louis bernard's questioning. she interrupts. 6: converted to pdf by 7. converted to pdf by 14. i only wish i could give you some cheerful news. converted to pdf by 97. converted to pdf by 109. converted to pdf by 144.