in the single room occupied by hank. jo is putting his clothes away. hank, having brushed his teeth and rinsed his mouth, emerges from the bathroom. he wears pajamas, but still has his shoos on. jo does a turn, takes hank's hand and he does a turn around her as she sings. louis comes up, hands her a martini. the camera pans jo past ben to the door. he has just put on his coat, and turns to follow her to the door. she opens it, and standing in the corridor is a silhouetted figure. we cannot see the face. jo switches on a light, which reveals a rather studious looking man of medium height standing there. the man immediately turns his attention back to ben, and begins talking in broken english. the mckennas turn back to the room. louis bernard's face his changed slightly to the more serious. hank's voice is heard off: