ben follows the workman into the shop. it is cluttered with stuffed animals of every size and shape imaginable. lions, tigers, elephant heads, swordfish, crocodiles -- everything. ben stares around at what he sees. a number of workmen are busy mounting, stuffing, and preparing animals for display. the workmen who let him in calls to someone. a man, about eighty years old, turns from inspecting a piece of work, and comes forward to ben. he is a thin, gracious, gentle sort of creature. from behind a doorway on the far side a man emerge s in response to the call. he is somewhat younger than the first ambrose chappell, but not by much. he is the fifty-year-old gentleman who had been apparently following ben on the street. the camera pans him over following to his father, and ben. chappell jr. nods his head, but waits with a deadpan expression for ben to continue. after a pause, ben does. the workmen half-listening, return to their work on the various animals. they are a bit self-conscious at being observed eavesdropping. ben turns back to chappell jr. he moves in a little closer, and drops his voice somewhat. chappell jr. watches him warily. chappell jr. struggles to get loose from ben's grasp. shooting toward the doorway. the confusion gives him a free moment. he makes the door, twists it open, and dashes out into the yard. suddenly he turns back and dashes in again. the man retreat in fear. ben picks up his fallen hat and dashes out again.