ben comes into the corridor and looks about him. beyond him we see a group of men obviously detectives, and ahead of them a police constable. we see ben hurry in his direction. ben comes up to the constable and is about to pass him when he is stopped. we again do not hear the dialogue, but the pantomime shows that ben is trying to get to buchanan. the constable doesn't quite know what to make of ben's dramatic plea. he indicates that he must talk to his superior. ben waits impatiently as the constable goes over to one of the inspectors who is standing in a small group a little way off. from his viewpoint we see the constable addressing the inspector with skeptical nods of his head in ben's direction. the inspector is turning to ben, the constable on one side. again in pantomime the inspector questioning the impatient ben. he leaves ben and goes over to the men standing outside the door to the box. ben half- turns away with exasperation toward the camera. ben is still waiting for the inspector to discuss matters with the plainclothesman. he turns and hurries away, the camera panning him. ben is now quickly listening into the section behind the boxes, one of which is occupied by the assassin. from his viewpoint we see rows of boxes.