we saw the same scenery last summer driving to las vegas. this isn't really africa, hank. it's french morocco. thank you, mr. bernard. why was he so angry? it was an accident. do you live in morocco, mr. bernard? why? do you live in france, mr. bernard? what business are you in, mr. bernard? okay, but i'm no scheherazade. goodbye. the one who was shouting at hank for taking the woman's veil. he and the frenchman were talking like old friends. it means mr. bernard is a very mysterious man. what do you know about him? you see? and he knows you' re an american living in indianapolis, indiana. a doctor at the good samaritan. you have a garden with snails, a wife, a boy who can spell haemoglobin. you went to a medical convention in paris. stopped at rome, lisbon, casablanca. you once served in north africa with an army field hospital -- not talking. he was asking, you were telling. you might as well have handed him your passport. maybe mr. bernard has. oh, ben! bitter medicine, doctor. but i'll swallow it. well. this eases the pain. just an expression. we're being watched. i'm a little out of form, hank. all right, mr. hammerstein. what's your pleasure? what's your key? pretty original. que sera sera, whatever will be will be the future's not ours to see que sera sera what will be will be que sera sera. que sera sera, whatever will be will be the future's not ours to see que sera sera! whatever will be will be que sera sera! now i have children of my own they ask their mother "what will i be?" will i be handsome? will i be rich? i tell them tenderly: he said the manager is going to send up somebody to baby sit. thank you. thank you. let's sit where it's cool. yes, i was on the american stage, and the london stage, and even the paris stage. i thought you might have seen me in paris -- being french, and -- have you ever been to paris, mr. bernard? what? just what are you buying, or selling, now in marrakesh? i'll answer it. i'll do it, hank. ben. you're right. people are staring at us. they stared at us when we went into the hotel. yes, i am. thank you, mr. drayton. possibly never again, professionally. temporarily. what ben means is that there are no broadway musical shows produced in indianapolis, indiana. of course, if we lived in new york. . where i hear doctors aren't starving. not the least, mrs. drayton. does it have something to do with religion? well just what do you think of that? first he promises to take us to dinner -- oh, ben! what's the matter with you?! i just don't like to be both privately and publicly insulted. we're not an old married couple! all right -- he's a heel. i don't understand him -- and i'm beginning not to like what he's doing to our whole night. ben, i know you -- once you get worked up, you'll start a fight. now please, sit down and forget him. louis bernard, the big buyer from paris, was going to take us through the market tomorrow. ben, don't. our dinner's getting cold. we'd love to go with you. i don't know why ben gets so worked up over unimportant things. oh, all that talk last night was just social chit chat, every woman who ever gave up the stage for marriage is supposed to want to go back. i was just playing a part expected of me. no, if at all, let's talk about it humorously. ben, this whole market place is very different and exciting. i was just thinking. do you know what's paying for these three days in marrakesh? and the purse i bought in paris. any time he starts wearing you out. ben, glamour is a costume i put on once. it never fit too well. i'd rather live my own life than one written for me. ben, you're setting a trap for me. you mean give him a change to be a doctor? all right, darling, a deal's a deal. for every time step he'll learn a new muscle -- and for every chorus, three bones. two chapters of grey's anatomy. i'd like to say something where nobody can hear us. when are we going to have another child? you're the doctor. you have all the answers. having a good time, hank? hank! ben -- who is he? is he dead? of course we know him! it's the frenchman, louis bernard. you're very thoughtful. why should he suddenly turn up in arab- outfit, wearing makeup? i'll bet he was a spy, or something like that. ben, what did he whisper to you? what did you write down? what is it? i have to stretch. but at different tables. i don't know a thing, who was it, ben? that was nice of him. ben. let me see the message. i'm your wife, ben -- not the police inspector. let's see it. but ben, a man's life -- hank, seeing a man killed in front of him. what a shook it must be to his mind. why don't you just give that note to the american consulate -- why get any more involved? what about him? okay. ben, what's holding you up? frankly, i'm exhausted. don't you feel well? i'll call mrs. drayton and tell her we're back. she can bring hank up here, or i'll go get his. why? ben. we're about to have our monthly fight. then stop playing rasputin. i only said i was going to call mrs. drayton. i'm so relaxed i'm tired. you take them. ben. six months ago you told me i took too many pills! i have not. i'm listening. what could it be? all right, doctor mckenna. i am now relaxed and listening. why don't i call mrs. drayton first. you can tell me while she's bringing hank up. see. i know all that. get to the surprise. nothing suspicious about us. and he was killed before he found them. you'll be telling me next it was mr. and mrs. drayton! if that's a joke, i don't think it's a very funny one. think i'll lie down. hank? why h. ? mrs. drayton took hank back to the hotel. she is downstairs! well let's start looking for him. mr. drayton. mr. drayton should. ben!! i could kill you! sedative! all this time you, knew hank was gone, and you wouldn't tell me. he's my child more than yours! i had him. let go of me! i'll never never never forget this! we've got to find hank! we've got to find him. you think you're the only one strong enough to take anything? ben, ben, i hate you, with my whole heart. hank! where is hank? hank, oh hank! get him, ben. please. you damn miserable human. how could anybody. do. oh ben, ben, ben. where is he? where is he? how could they remember me so well, ben? it's been four years since i played london. but how did they know. who could have told them. ben, you didn't? do you know where he is? mr. buchanan -- they told us not to say anything! and when they've done what they're going to do, they'll let him go. so all we have to do is wait. ben, what can we do by ourselves? we need -- ben -- maybe they could find those people, and hank, before -- you act as if you're the only one who's concerned about hank. hallo. yes. mrs. drayton? where's hank? where have you got him? where is he? where have you got him? yes. please, please! hello. hello, hank? oh, hank, hank darling, are you really all right? he was scared. it's from the panell's. "welcome home, jo. look forward to seeing your family. especially the little--" cindy and jan. you don't know cindy and jan. what are you looking for? i can't make up my mind, ben. i'm jut scared to death. i'm afraid we'll do the wrong thing. what are you going to say? i go. sightseeing. hello, val. jo and i want to thank all of you for the lovely flowers. but you shouldn't have. we might not be here long! i'd like everyone to meet my husband. and this one is jan peterson who sing almost as well as i do, but can handle those legs like nijinsky. and cindy fontaine, the most wonderful expatriate i've ever known. hank. henry, really. thank you again for the beautiful flowers. oh, val -- i wish i could, but. ben! ben, for the last time, please let me go. huh? no. no. you mean chappell! it's not a man, it's a place! ambrose chapel! ambrose chapel! it has to be! i'm very sorry. but have another drink -- and please explain to ben when he comes in. ben -- ben, darling. what happened -- did you find anything? then it must be the chapel - and i've found it, ben. it's just a short way from here. it was a crazy thing to do -- i'll meet you outside. there it is. ben, should we get some help from the police? let's wait and look around. what if he asks me. ben, i don't want to leave you. and ben is in there now, watching the both of them! i don't know, i don't know where he is. but at least these people will know -- the draytons. if you'd only send somebody to get them. well call him there, please! call him! then can't you do anything -- right away -- before we lose the draytons? we don't have days to do this. it's a matter of minutes. can't you send the police. or do i have to go to the albert hall myself. there's nobody there! yes, but something's wrong. a few minutes ago the place was full of people, and now there's nobody! my husband's in there. there must have been thirty or forty people. and now. it couldn't. it couldn't have been more than five minutes ago! i told mr. woburn he had to hurry. i tried that. it's looked, let's force it open. couldn't you get one? of course i'm certain. i was there myself, sitting next to my husband. he sent me out to call scotland yard. you're not leaving? yes, i want to go to albert hall. all right. let's go. i would like to see the manager, please. please, i must speak to one of them. which are they? if you don't mind, i'm just looking for someone. it wasn't -- it wasn't -- where's our boy? where's hank? yes, mr. buchanan. we still need it. how do you know? what are you thinking about, ben? what am i supposed to say, ben? i don't know -- ben, half looking at woburn and buchanan, gives her instructions. he said -- all right. yes. i'm jo conway. well, i don't know. it's been some time. all right. i'm very flattered. hank.