when we got your wire i couldn't believe it. what were you doing down in morocco? it's mckenna. doctor mckenna. welcome to london town, doctor. i've heard so much about you, doctor, it's nice to see you in person. where's your boy? i'd like to see which one you he looks like. okay. but dinner tonight's on me. a welcome home for jo. and i wish i could persuade her to stay a month. and back at our flat, after the first night, chris had the nerve to suggest that the sketch where bud flanagan comes in dressed up as the countess was unconvincing . that no matter how well-got-up bud flanagan was, even if he were dressed by hartnell, nobody would believe he was an aristocrat. so i said, 'look chris, why don't you cut william hickey's column out of the paper?! -- jo. jo. what's become of that unpredictable husband of yours? he's been gone over an hour. who was it he went to see? some man named. . what was it. church? let's a take a look. here it is, ambrose chapel, 17 ambrose street, west two. let's see if we can figure this out. first of all there was a man named to uh. it must be a now american gag. i'll ask danny about it. she's just gone off to ambrose chapel. it isn't your ambrose chapel! 17 ambrose street, bayswater.