how do you do? mr. buchanan would like to have a chat with you, inside. special branch, scotland yard. this is mr. buchanan -- doctor and mrs. mckenna. public call box -- west one. i see, mrs. mckenna -- and you believe your son is somewhere in the chapel? i'm afraid it isn't quite as easy as all that. i'm awfully sorry, but i simply can't get hold of him just now. he's gone to a rather important diplomatic affair -- at the albert hall. he's on his way. i don't know quite -- i assure you, i'll do all i cant as soon as i can. that won't be necessary. i'll see that the chapel is put under immediate observation. by the time you get back a police car should be there. please return to your husband, tell him to come straight out of the chapel, and let the police take over. woburn, special branch, hold on. i must ring off now, mrs. mckenna. please believe me, i'll have everything laid on. mr. prime minister, this is the lady who -- and this is her husband -- i think mr. buchanan would like to talk to you. hello. hold on.