oh, that's all right. you can't be expected to remember every skinny girl who comes in with her dad. it's ok, i guess. no, i don't really. i'm not big on music, ordinarily. i'm so sorry. i was sorry to hear. ok. nice to see you, mr crane. he was deaf when he wrote this. beethoven. he created it, and yet he never actually heard it. i suppose he heard it all in his head, somehow. hi, mr crane. oh, in there? i messed up a little bit in the scherzo. i guess, if nobody noticed, it's ok. mr crane, this is tony, a friend of mine. tony, mr crane. hello, mr crane. we haven't seen you since. i'm terribly sorry. we've certainly missed you. pop doesn't like people smoking in here. sometimes i have a cigarette in here when he's away. never when he's in the house. he can smell it a mile off. that's what he keeps telling me. well, sure, i guess. pop says so too. i work pretty hard at school. boy. oh, mr crane-- geez, mr crane, i don't know. i hadn't really thought about a career or stuff. geez, mr crane. sure, mr k. i stank, didn't i? but more or less. it doesn't matter, mr crane. but it doesn't matter. really, i'm not interested in playing music professionally. i'm not certain i'll have a career at all, and if i do, i'll probably be a veterinarian. i do appreciate the interest you've taken, though. i'm only sorry that i didn't play better for you. i know it would've made you happy. you know what you are? you're an enthusiast. but i do appreciate it, mr crane. i wanted to make you happy. it's ok. i want to do it, mr crane. please, mr crane, it's ok, please--