ed was 4f on account of his fallen arches. watch your card, honey. jesus, bingo--bingo! honey? shave my legs, will ya? gimme a drag. love ya, honey. ed? gimme a zip. me? us! the party at nirdlinger's--i told you last week, for the christmas push. come on, get ready. it's important. oh, don't be a grump. what a knucklehead. dave. ahh. money problems. he's thinking about canceling the annex. *that means i don't run nirdlinger's!* what a knucklehead. i hate wops. what's so damn strange about that? *you* didn't have to grow up with 'em. family. boy. how're you, constanza? 'gratulations, gina. it's so goddamn wonderful. life is so goddamn wonderful, you almost won't believe it. it's just a goddamn bowl of cherries, i'm sure. congratulations on your goddamn cherries! leggo my goddamn elbow. honey. i don't know what's going on. i-- i don't know what happened to big dave. i know some of it. irregularities in my books, they said. can i explain it. i helped him cook the books, ed. i did do that. i know all about that. but i don't know how much to tell them. should i. should i tell you why? jesus christ. my books used to be perfect. anyone could open them up, make sense of the whole goddamn store. i knew we'd pay for it. but it's true. what a dope. what're *you* selling? get lost. nah, don't say anything. i'm alright.