says here that the russians exploded n a-bomb and there's not a damn thing we can do about it. how d'ya like them apples? ed? russians exploded an a-bomb. jesus. so you tie your own flies, ed. i mean, if you're really serious. you tie your own flies, you do a--i know it's matickless, i know, people say, hey, you can buy flies at the store-- but you can buy your fish at the store, ed, you see what i'm saying? the point is there's a certain art to the process. the point is not merely to provide, and let me point out, these fish are not as dumb as you might think. sportsmanship! that's my point. june fly, ed? mosquito? which of these? well, what fish do you seek? sure, go to the store. go there, describe to the man where you will be fishing, and for what, and the weather conditions, sun, no sun, whatnot, and so forth, and then you might as well have the man go ahead and sell you the goddamn fish, ed. my point is, this is a man who knows nothing no matter how much you tell him, so sell him the goddamn fish, ed. we're just closing, friend. hey, what's your problem, friend? this is a business establishment with posted hours-- you sure, eddie? in your ear, mister. huh? yeah. whuddya mean? yeah--lucky for us, huh, pal? come on, eddie, you're gonna scare the kid. what the-- what the hell are you talking about? no, come on, kids--i just ate lunch! i never wanna see another blueberry pie. i never even wanna hear those words. don't says those words, ed. holy-moly, do i got a headache. how you today, ed? you don't got a headache? damn, i got a headache to beat the band. ya can't pump it. did ya pump it? that'll just flood it. you crazy? you pumped it? this is what family is for, ed! this is when ya come together! close ranks! goddamnit! those sons of bitches! i don't care what it costs! this is when ya come together! the hell with it, eddie! they're just people like you and me, ed. remember that. just people. they gotta put up the big front so that people will trust them with their money. this is why the big lobby, ed. but they put their pants on one leg at a time. just like you and me. they too use the toilet, ed. in spite of appearances. and their money will be secured by the barbershop. a rock. a *rock*, the barbershop. i mean, how long has *this* place been here? yes, sir. sure. can ed come too? he's a barber. second chair. no, he's family, he's my brother-in- law. where's the judge? how come there's no judge? where's the judge, ed? how come the judge doesn't come out? so where's doris? i thought we started at ten. hey, riedenschneider, where's doris? late? how can she be late? she's in prison, ed. none of *us* are in prison, and yet we're not late. we're on time, ed. how can doris be late? what, they don't have wake-up calls? what's going on, ed? i thought there would be arguments. the bailiff, and so forth. ed, what is this? is this procedure? what kind of man *are* you? what kind of man *are* you?