have a seat. oh, hell. drink? sure you don't need one? ok. boy. jesus! well, of course, i, uh, it's out of my league, criminal stuff. i do, uh, probate, real estate, title search, uh. i'd be absolutely worthless, something like this. absolutely worthless. 'scuse me, just finished dinner. um. frankly, doris'd be better off with the county defender. bert's ok, sure, he's a good man. i won't kid you though, ed, nobody around here has any experience with this kind of, er. and i hear they're bringing a prosecutor up from sacramento. capital offense. taking it seriously. hmm. taking it seriously. coffee, ed? no thanks, honey. damnit! she's a good kid. well, there's lloyd garroway in san francisco. probity--you know, no one ever said anything iffy about lloyd garroway. conservative. jury might like that. might like that here. probity. well, the best, the money-is-no-object best, for a criminal case, any lawyer would tell you freddy riedenschneider. out of sacramento. 'course, i don't know how you're fixed for money. yeah, the best. yeah, riedenschneider. wish i could tell you more. hell, i wish i could handle it myself. but i'd be absolutely worthless for this kind of thing. criminal matter? freddy riedenschneider. no question about it. ed, how're you holding up? i'm so damn sorry about your loss. terrible thing. just damn terrible. birdy's in the parlor--i'm on long distance here.