what were you hoping he'd say? we are:
i think you hoped congressman shaw would say, "yes, major, i've had those same dreams. tomatoes and sandstorms. you're not nuts, there's some crazy shit going down here." marco says nothing.
major, we've been down this road with you before, yes?
have you contacted any other members of the unit besides shaw and melvin? asked them about the dreams?
and what is it you are saying, exactly, major? that you misrepresented -- falsified -- what happened in kuwait? about the medal of honor? in effect, committed perjury.
-- no, no, i'm sorry -- you're saying an entire squad of u.s. army soldiers was hypnotized into believing that raymond shaw deserved the medal of honor. and somehow you're the only one who knows the truth. silence. marco looks down at his hands.
major marco. you will stay clear of congressman shaw.
major, do you ever take a step back and consider why you've remained at rank for all these years? missed bosnia, afghanistan, iraqi freedom. while men of lesser promise and inferior talent have enjoyed the fruits of those campaigns and moved beyond you?
cut it out, major.
someone from senator eleanor shaw's office called and intervened on your behalf. a beat. marco, trying to process all this:
major, you have reached the terminal end of the army's patience. you're relieved of duty, effective immediately.