taking your meds? the meds help you sleep. you're off your meds, sleep-deprived, you have an unexpected encounter with a member of your gulf war recon team, al melvin, who mentions some dreams he's been having -- -- and suddenly your own bad dreams come charging back. made worse by your chronic fear of them. add in all the recent campaign news about congressman shaw, which is obviously rekindling your feelings of guilt and jealousy -- okay. how did you feel when you heard the news from the convention? marco shrugs. a shrug isn't a feeling. fine. you're fucking with me, major. what other conclusion can i draw? marco says nothing. holding back what he's thinking. look, we've been over this a million times. until you forgive yourself for what happened that night in kuwait, the loss of your men -- for what you did, for what you didn't do . no reaction from marco. the lt. colonel sighs. how's public affairs? then for god's sake, ben, go back on your meds. and stay on them, this time. get some sleep. i'll see you in two weeks. and stay the hell away from television. are you back on your meds? -- your guilt and your jealousy require you to construct this . elaborate fiction, so that you -- and you will resume your meds, major. that is an order. get this man out of here. okay, okay --! that's enough. gentlemen, i need a moment with major marco. now. the federal agents retreat with their bloodied-nose, cold- cocked colleague, door slamming behind them. he's free to go? there's a young neurologist at walter reed. zahn. he's had considerable success with gws -- i want you to get your affairs in order and report to him for evaluation and treatment first thing monday morning. me too, ben.