-- strappingly resistant to parasite, disease, over-ripening and systemic failure -- while, at the same time, fiercely heat and water tolerant -- impressions of soldiers -- members of marco's squad -- flak jackets and bdus, rifles at ease, some squatting, some leaning against the wall . cpl. al melvin preternaturally engrossed in the presentation . we hear a sandstorm raging outside, causing long draperies to flutter and pop! like sails . strong impressions of pfcs ed mavole and bobby baker . -- yet -- note the complexity of the frontal lobe -- nevertheless retaining a sweet, juicy plumpness reminiscent of the finest english beefsteak or italian plum. impressions of the american flag. impressions of sgt. raymond shaw -- he waits for the mysterious woman like an obedient schoolboy, dutifully holding his service revolver in his hand. those of you with ties to the intelligence community may recall the cia's misguided mk-ultra program, the kgb's novichok research, and similar half- assed ventures in great britain and china -- under the lay term of 'mind control.' street-corner schizophrenics with tin foil on their heads offer sad proof of the failure of those endeavors. she smiles, creepy, puts a hand on raymond's shoulder -- a simple pavlovian parlor trick. snapping of fabric, the wind gets louder. 57 marco -- looks around -- no more tubes or wires, and noyle 57 is now a projected image on the fabric. the dreamscape is bending, smearing . realities overlapping.