captain marco -- -- when you're rescued and returned with your patrol to command headquarters, what will be among the first duties you will undertake? 56 on marco all rigged up with his wires -- 56 yes. brilliant. but there were casualties? here, then, are ten subject soldiers in a clinically-induced functional fugue state. hyperdelusional that they've been bivouacked in a small caravansary to wait out a sandstorm. marco blinks: sees the mysterious arabic woman dressed in noyle's simple suit. our candidate's course of treatment will, of course, involve considerably more sophisticated intervention over a sustained time period, to ensure that a stable mechanism is irrevocably in place. we employ a kind of neurocellular conversion. psychological abreaction through genomic repurposing. "but dr. noyle, all the literature -- all the literature says you cannot make an individual act against his deepest moral nature -- or his own self interest." hmmm. let's see. sgt. shaw. ever killed anyone? impressions of raymond -- hyper-alert -- frighteningly engaged, and agreeable. not even in combat? brilliant. casualty time. raymond's wires and tubes float with him as he circles, pleasantly exchanging greetings with marco -- raymond. suffocate private mavole. impression of raymond thrusting a plastic bag over mavole's head -- and at the instant he completes this, or any task, raymond has already forgotten that he has ever been involved in it. raymond shaw -- all business -- focused and purposeful -- twists the bag even tighter -- the plastic bag steaming -- tubes break, spit liquid, blood -- wires spark -- while noyle floats through the b.g., a blur -- hello raymond. do you remember me? brilliant. we have twenty minutes for our little check up from the neck up. no decay, no slippage. everything appears to be in flawless working condition. raymond can you remember the deaths of mavole and baker? describe it. hello captain. do you remember me? knocking at the door, a pass-key rattling in it -- we really can reinvent ourselves, you know, by the remapping of the human genome. strengthen character, enhance personality, not unlike tummy tucks and breast augmentation. generate extraordinary abilities in math, music, athletics. tweak the sympathy gene, boost self-confidence -- -- broaden the very parameters of memory, to offset the ravages of dementia -- or virtually liberate an individual from the limitations imposed by damaging previous experiences -- literally freeing them from the burden of their past . raymond -- raymond -- captain marco, would you please shoot private baker so we can move on?