what about him? remember when you asked for a study on him, i refused. same goes for now. it was you who did the asking. i wouldn't presume to try. he's an eideteker. he has almost total recall. but i don't think he's psychic. what he has it empathy and projection he can assume your point of view and mine, and some other points of view that scare and sicken him. because i'm professionally concerned about him. and he'd pick up on that. he's fast. he hates being prodded and poked. so do i. what do you want? i'll tell you the events. the psychology's none of your business. hobbs was trying to cut his eleven- year-old daughter's throat. graham shot him with his .38 six times. hobbs still didn't go down. he had to wade in. no. it happened when graham went to see hobbs' daughter four months later in the hospital. she saved her carotid artery, but lost three fingers and her larynx. she was connected up to a voice box. when graham went to see her, she asked him -- through the speaker: 'why did you have to kill my daddy? ' that's when graham had his nervous breakdown. if he pushes too deep into our boy's mind-set, he may destroy himself. what are you planning, jack? i don't recommend it. crawford has a proposition. i don't think it's a good idea. he may have an unconscious homosexual conflict. a fear of being gay. he objects to the word 'fairy.' plus smeared bloodstains indicate that he put the shorts on charles leeds after he was dead. i believe he did this to emphasize his lack of interest in mr, leeds. the usual motivation doesn't apply to him, nor the way he uses them. i don't have an answer for you. listen to me, my friend: leave this. how are molly and the boy?