how long do i have? that's probably in the part lecktor tore out. at the top it says: 'i hope we can correspond.' and then the hole begins . it looks like lecktor went over it with a felt tip pen and then folded it and pinched most of it away. moves under a rostrum camera setup. there are lights mounted on a 360-degree rim even with the base of the rostrum bowman hits a switch. the top lights go out. the side lights are very oblique. now we can mash it a little. you're so sly, but so am i. aniline dyes in the inks in felt-tip pens -- which is what lecktor has -- are transparent to infrared. the tooth fairy's ballpoint isn't. at the end is the tail of what could be an 'r. when do they go to press? christ! it's snow white toilet paper. national distribution. if there's any doubt, we matched the indents of the bitemark on the note against the smithsonian teeth. this is your boy. he folded the bottom part, including what lecktor tore out. in this enlargement of the back side, oblique light revealed impressions. we can make out: 'six-six-six'. i didn't spot it until i had this high-contrast print. i advised chicago as soon as i saw it. no. the numbers aren't right for a jailhouse alphabet code. it's a book code. and your message has to go out in it, or he'll know it's not lecktor talking to him. 'one hundred prayers' could be the page number. the paired numbers and the scriptural references could be line and letter. but what book? no. galatians 15:2? galatians has only six chapters. the same with jonah 6:8 -- jonah has four chapters. lecktor wasn't using a bible. right . what about sweating lecktor? it has to be a book the tooth fairy would know lecktor has in his cell. have him meet me with pictures of lecktor's books. library of congress.