i should have caught you at the boat yard when you got off work. you don't want to talk about it here. how much do you know? eighty-six so far. all cranks. he smashes the mirrors and uses the pieces. none of them knew that; blond, right-handed, really strong, wears a size eleven shoe. the prints are all smooth gloves. he's on a full moon cycle. both times. his blood is ab positive. typed him from semen. he's a secretor. will. you saw this in the papers. the second one was all over tv. did you ever think about givin' me a call? why not? and i got you down here fixing fuckin' boat motors. last two like this we had, you caught. that's not entirely true, will. it's the way you think. you look all right now. if you can't look anymore, i understand. these are all dead, will. i'll come back later. i got messages at the holiday inn to collect i have to. because it's his bad luck to be special. nobody's better with evidence. but he has the other thing, too. he doesn't like that part of it. talking about 'like,' you don't like me very much, do you? he's working on the single print index. what time is it? you said the guy down here is good. what do you want to do? a cat. we found a litter box downstairs but not the cat. neighbors are watching for it. can you make an identification off it? lounds, give it a rest. get the hell away from here, lounds! cut to: int. diner, booth - graham + crawford - day graham is staring into the black deep recesses of his coffee. crawford is looking at him. finally: i know. say we've arrested a good suspect. you walk in and see him. what is there about him that doesn't surprise you? you can tell something about him or we wouldn't have found the finger print. . what's one way? we're running it through the computers now. so far there's no event or service that doubles back into both families. plus they were big consumers: snowmobiles, fishing trips, scuba, videogames, lots of routine medical and dental. it's a haystack. what's the other? no other possibilities? why? see? you do know something about him. for christ's sake, why? is it weird? if the documents section can't do it. i'll send it up to langley. bur if we find him, the print as evidence will get a conviction, hold on. what? will. get right back here. he just called. thanks, no. very little. if it's all electronic switching we'll need a minute for the trace. where the hell's graham! for christ's sake get him! scribbles on a piece of paper. how'd you know 'broken mirrors?' bribe a cop? tell it to the u.s. attorney, lounds! run along to the police station, freddie. we'll talk to you when we get around to it. punches the other line. have your building superintendent shut off the water and most of the lighting in lecktor's hall. have him walk through carrying tools and being pissed off or something, brian. we have a note coming in on the fly. possibly from the tooth fairy. number one priority., it has to go to hair and fiber, latent prints and documents. graham and i will be walking it through. twenty minutes max. that could be the tip of a 't. here and here. and here. there's three 't's' and an 'r' in tattler. the chicago office is running through all the personal ads in the tattler right now. after we find lecktor's response, we substitute our own. somewhere tomorrow night the tooth fairy will actually buy tattler, looking for lecktor's message. here's what he'll find, bill. it's a secret service letter drop and stakeout. he shows: we take him. anything from chicago? let's get to the physical. issue the toilet paper tear as a. twenty-eight minutes. cryptography at langley? book code? willingham, when he tossed his cell, took polaroids so they could get everything back in place. where? we let lecktor's message run as is and decode it after. or we pull it, work our the code and put ours in next week. yes. and i'm leery of running lecktor's message without knowing what it says. it's your call, will. what do we do? what if it encourages the tooth fairy to do something besides write? will, bowman just broke the code. it was a james beard cook book. you need to know what it says right now. i'll tell you in a second. now listen to me: everything is okay, i'm taking care of it, so stay on the phone when i tell you. it says: 'graham home, 3860 desoto highway, marathon, florida. save yourself. kill them all. it's your home address, will. the bastard gave him your home address. wait, will. i'll pick you up in. i need to talk to you about will graham. i need to ask you questions of a psychological nature. that was peterson upstairs. he doesn't think you run mind games on him. you're never alone in a room with graham, are you? you're smooth about it, but you're never one-on- one with him. why's that? do you think he's psychic? why aren't you ever alone with him? his nervous breakdown followed hobbs. could he kill again if he had to save his life? or would he hesitate? that's when it happened? what's the bottom line? could he handle a direct contact? asian studies at langley said the mark you found on the tree is a chinese character considered a positive or a lucky sign in gambling. the character also appears on a mah-jongg piece. it means red dragon. that mean anything to you? you okay? you got the message lecktor called. from the lip wound, which happened seven hours before he got burned, we've narrowed it down to those cities within the seven-hour driving radius that also would've caught the 'tattler' early tuesday morning. milwaukee, madison, dubuque, peoria, sr. louis, indianapolis, cincinnati, toledo and detroit. when are you coming back? what's important? 'changes?' vtr, film, polaroid, stills, what? there's no connection between the families. there is none! we've run it through the computer a dozen times . what? let's admit we struck out this month. the gulf stream's standing by. the basic lab stuff is on it. you, zeller, jimmie price, a photographer. anywhere he hits, we can be there in an hour and fifteen minutes. we get the call, we roll. the scene'll be very fresh. . it's a foregone conclusion. for christ's sake, it's eleven pm. the full moon is tonight. will? what's that? because a steel door and deadbolt were there when they were killed. he had to. it's getting late and. it's the guard in the storeroom. there's some film cans in the far corner of the room underneath one of the windows. he found them. is there a label on the jacobi can that says what lab processed it? no. it's bob's photo store in. i want a chopper on the roof in three minutes. to meigs field. at meigs have them warn up and flight-prep the gulf stream. this is jack crawford, fbi. who am i speaking to? all we know is this man owns a van and he works at gateway. we have physical characteristics. are your parking permits in the computer? he drives a van. start feeding me names. next . fogel has four more names. he knows two: both dark hair. third's a woman. fourth's a handicapped parking permit. is staring at graham's blankness. will…? you're not going to need that. because we're going in careful and slow and secure a perimeter and a st. louis pd swat team is going to take him. not us. get the roadblocks set on route three! there's an access road to the back of the house. that ought to be a second team's approach. will graham and i are in an orchard due west of the house. three minutes. stay in the trees. wait for the back-up! will?