yes, eileen. and? thank you, eileen. me? you told me what? you told me what?! are you cold? would you like a blanket? no, mr. lounds. you'll be just fine. burned? burned. no. you just rest there. i'll be right back. atoning, mr. lounds. do you know who i am, mr. lounds? according to you i'm a sexual failure. an animal, you said. you know now, don't you? do you feel privileged? do you pray to god, mr. lounds? do you believe god is in attendance here, mr. lounds? in a little while i'll help you understand. i'll be right back. don't. go away. open your eyes, mr. lounds. mr. lounds, you're a reporter. you're here to titillate your readers. if you don't open your eyes, i'll staple your eyelids to your forehead. well: here. i. am. look at the screen. that is william blake's 'the great red dragon and the woman clothed with the sun. do you see? do you see? mrs. leeds harlequined with blood, her husband beside her. do you see? mrs. jacobi after her changing. the dragon rampant. do you see? freddie lounds. your photograph. do you see? 'no' what? are you a man? do you imply that i'm a queer? before me you are a slug in the sun. you are privy to a great becoming and you recognize nothing. you are an ant in the afterbirth. it is your nature to do only one thing correctly: tremble. bur fear is not what you owe me. lounds: you and the others, you owe me awe! we have one more piece of work to do. open your eyes, mr. lounds. now you will read this into the tape recorder. you did very well. i apologize for the crude images. next time i'll have film stock that doesn't need lights . you will tell the truth? good . we'll seal your promise with. with a kiss. ms. mcclain, i'm francis dollarhyde. i came about the low light level infrared film stock. shooting at maybe eight feet. i can't use any lights. the activities of nocturnal animals. in eight days. it'll do fine. i'll take you. ride with me. dandridge is a condescending prick. ride with me. it would be because i want you to. tonic will be fine. how did you come to gateway? you worked out well. reacts to "speech therapy." characteristically -- his attention goes to: uh-huh. take my word for it that i'm. smiling . i have to go now. it's a surprise. is watching her pulse rise and fall under the soft skin and doesn't see: yes, are you okay?! nears her, towers above her. he touches her face. reba folds into his arms and lays her head on his hard chest. his heart is going fast. he doesn't believe this fine thing is happen- ing to him and that she's okay. no! don't go back into the house. it's too nice outside. i have work to do at the plant. i'll get it. stay right here. you lock very good in the sun. do you want a coke or something, reba? fill it up and check the oil, please. you sonofabitch. pulls the spout from the oil can that was in his engine. he advances on the frozen attendant. he looks at the sharp end of the spout. i ought to jam this in your chest, and drain your heart. no. no! i want her! i want her alive. i'm going to keep her! you hear me!!! reba . the developing room. i need to. see you. no. reba? i'll see you later. all right? yes . it's me. me. some remarkable events have happened in birmingham and atlanta. do you know what i'm talking about? two groups of people were changed. leeds. and jacobi. the police think they were murdered. do you know what they call the being that visited these people? you can say. think carefully and answer correctly. francis did a thing for you today so i couldn't have you. and he was wrong. i am the dragon! give me your hand. now you know how the dragon kills. stands four feet from her, just staring. then he walks from the room. catching graham's momentum -- throws him across the room. roars and grabs his 9mm from the kitchen table.