i don't want to talk about it anywhere. if you brought pictures, leave them in the briefcase. molly and kevin will be back soon. what was in the 'miami herald' and the 'times.' confessions? what else did you keep out of the papers? somebody hurt him? no. the bureau already has the best lab. plus you have bloom at the university of chicago. you don't need me. i wouldn't be useful to you anymore, jack. that was three years ago. and by doing the same things you and the rest of them at the lab are doing. i think there has been a lot of bullshit about the way i think. i came down here to get away from all that. i am all right. as long as they're dead. let's talk after dinner. stay and eat. what did he want? and you said? i'm a forensic specialist, molly. you've seen my diploma? i got a diploma and everything. we have it good, don't we? what the hell can i do? if i were? i don't care. (beat> he'll never see me or know my name. if we find him, the police will have to take him down. not me, i'm just looking at evidence. yeah. . in this hatchery? forty to fifty. yeah, but not now. these will all make it. guaranteed. thanks for the lift. that's right. thanks. intruder entered through kitchen sliding door. probably a glass cutter. why didn't he care that he left ab saliva on the glass? it was hot out that night. inside, the house must' have been pleasantly cool to him. the intruder cut charles leeds' throat as he lay asleep beside mrs. leeds. he shot mrs. leeds as she was rising. bullet entered the right of her navel and lodged in her lumbar spine, but she died of strangulation. increase of serotonin and free histimine levels in the gunshot wound indicates. she lived at least five minutes after she was shot. all her other injuries were post-mortem. direction and velocity of blood stains on the east wall indicate arterial spray.;. with his throat cut, mr. leeds still tried to fight. because the intruder was moving to the children's room. in the children's room the intruder shot the first boy in bed. second boy was found in bed, but dustballs indicate he was dragged out from under his bed to be shot. profusion of bloodstains and matted sliding marks on hall carpet and west wall of master bedroom remain unexplained. as does superficial ligature mark around mr. leed's chest, believed to be post-mortem. what did the killer do with them after they were dead? and before he put the boys back in their beds? there's a wicker dog bed on the back porch. there's a doghouse in the back yard. where's the dog? snaps alert and stares at conventioneer #2. has hit the stop button. he picks up a measured field sketch of the master bedroom. the bloodstains are represented in outline. three are along the left wall. the arterial splashes from mr. leeds are on the right wall. mr. and mrs. leeds' body positions are indicated on the king-size mat- tress. when they were dead -- except possibly mrs. leeds -- he smashed the mirrors and began selecting shards that he used later on mrs. leeds. what did he do in the interval? struggling with mr. leeds and killing the others would take less than a minute. what else? three bloodstains on the east wall, not from mr. leed's arterial spray. what did killer do after they were dead? molly? it's me. i'll call you tomorrow, sweetheart. go back to sleep. i love you. you moved the kids after you killed them, didn't you? did you arrange them for your performance with mrs. leeds on their bed? did you tie mr. leeds sitting up in bed? that's the postmortem ligature on his chest. did you make them your audience? did you open their eyes? there is something you can't afford for me to know about. isn't there? mrs. leeds was lovely, wasn't she? it was maddening to have to wear gloves when you touched her, wasn't it? there was talcum powder on her leg. there was no talcum powder in the bathroom. the powder they found came out of a rubber glove as you pulled it off jack, this is graham. is price still in latent prints? he is good. bur not as good as price. mrs. leeds' fingernails and toenails. i think he took off his gloves, jack. and dust all the corneas of all their eyes. the report didn't mention nails and eyes. mrs. leeds was a good-looking woman. i'd want to touch her skin in an intimate situation, wouldn't you? yes. 'intimate.' they had privacy. everybody else was dead. he may have a history of biting -- barroom fights or child abuse. that's all we know about. most of the time in sex assaults the bite mark has a livid spot in the center. a suck mark. these don't. so, for him, biting may be a fighting pattern as much as sexual behavior. you could try emergency room personnel, treatment for bite wounds. i know that's pretty thin. he bites a lot. sex murder: three. he likes to bite. six bad ones in mrs. leeds. nine that we know of. two didn't die. one's on the respirator at a hospital in baltimore. the other is in a private mental hospital in denver. psychologists call him a sociopath. they don't know what else to call him. i call him a monster. (cold right turn> what about the dog? was the dog wearing a collar with the leeds' name on it? did the jacobis in birmingham have a dog? why don't you get birmingham p.d. a methane probe out of d.c. and have them cover the backyard. maybe the cat's dead and the kids buried it. senses springfield's staring at him. graham's face is blank. he leaves. springfield -- shaking crawford's hand -- watches graham all the way to the door. grabs lounds by the labels, kicks his legs out from under him and throws him over the hood of a car upside-down. the impact stars the windshield lounds is scared to death. the violence totally surprises us. graham's face is inches from lounds. keep the fuck away from me! snuck in the hospital while i was sedated, flipped back the sheets and shot pictures. the only decent thing he did was run a black square over my balls. atlanta and birmingham can run the thumb print against known sex offenders. five will get you ten they don't come up with an identification. jimmie may in the finder program. if he's ever been printed and in his index. i don't know, jack. he's got no face for me. we find an event that connects both families. same vacation hotel; same hospital, different times. then we check employees and come up with a male nurse, hairdresser, whatever. if we find out how he found them, then we'll find him. he makes noise going in and the husband gets to a gun in time. you think i'm gonna spot him 'across a crowded room?' that's ezio pinza you're thinking about. the tooth fairy will go on until we get smart or get lucky. he won't stop. because he has a genuine taste for it, jack. i'm going to see lecter. to recover the mind set. hey, baby! where are you? none you'd notice. i'm lonely. tell me about yourself. let's keep it the day-to-day stuff. how's kevin? eating junk food. they don't have a lock on anything, molly. there's not enough information. or i haven't done enough with it. z don't know. i'm goin' up to baltimore this afternoon. i have to see somebody. yeah. ah. yellow, let's paint it yellow. blue, then. hey, goddamn it, paint it shit- brown for all i care. look, i'm sorry. when i come home, we'll go to the paint store together and get some chips and. molly, dear molly. go to bed now, baby. . i love you. i'm not a doctor. i need to see lecter in as much privacy as possible. i might have to show him some material that could stimulate him. no. i want to see lecktor now. i keep getting it for christmas. i got it. thank you. stuart is fine. no. dr. bloom showed me your article on surgical addiction in the journal of clinical psychiatry. very interesting, even to a layman. you've read the transcript. it's all there. it's in the transcript. what does it matter now? i want you to help me, dr. lecktor. it's about atlanta and birmingham. you read about it, i'm sure. i thought you would have some ideas. there are things you don't have. research materials. i could speak to the chief of staff? you'll get to see the file on this case. and there's another reason. i thought you might be curious to find our if you're smarter than the person i'm looking for. no. i knew that i'm nor smarter than you are. you had disadvantages. you're insane. i don't think i'll persuade you. you'll do it or you won't. dr. bloom is working an it anyway, and he's the best. yes. yes. no. good-bye, dr. lecktor. sits in the chair. he wants a cigarette. he doesn't take one. he waits. and he watches. what he sees: snaps back to the present, looks at lecktor. big backyards, fences, some hedges, why? that's interesting. yes. i'd considered it. i want your opinion. when you do have one i'd like to hear it. i haven't decided yet. no. goodbye, dr. lecktor. you can leave messages for me at the number on the file. contorts his body to pull his briefcase from under the seat in front. he extracts the leeds and jacobi files. from each he takes a snapshot of a happy family picture and paperclips them to the front of the files. he stands them on the dinner tray and stares at them. block her off, mitch. on the dock. the hot sun turns the water a brilliant aqua and silver. graham's tan body in the violet shorts on the silver wood. molly reaches in the bag for another shrimp. graham looks at her. mumbles apologies, scrambles to collect crime photos. the mother wants her seat changed. have any single men asked to look at it? uh-uh. looks slowly up the tree trunk. hangs his coat on the branch of a neighboring tree and climbs the far side of the elm. his head and his cheek raise through limbs. his eye is six inches away when he finds a soft drink can wedged between limb and trunk. i love it. sweet jesus, yes come on, can. photographs this as well as a branch that's been trimmed by a cutting tool. then he looks. high in the tree, leans back against the trunk. re seems frozen. then: after you killed the cat and threw it into the yard, my man, you climbed up hero and waited. you used a cutting tool on these branches so you could see. you watched the children and passed the time whittling and dreaming. when night came, you saw them passing their bright windows and you watched the shades go down, and you saw the lights go out one by one. and after a while, you climbed down and you went in to them, didn't you? didn't you, you son of a bitch! i'm sending the can to jimmie price to dust for prints. i need bowman in documents to fall on this carving. then i need the firearms and toolmarks section out here on the severed branch. i need to know what kind of cutting tool he used. the mark? yes. who did he ask for? so how do i play him, sidney? this is will graham. can i help you? i don't understand. do you know something about that? i get a lot of calls. most of them are from people who say they know things . talk to them a few minutes and you can tell they don't have the capacity to even understand what's going on. do you? let's get straight who we've talking about. are you the man i'm interested in? he's right-handed. he's misunderstood. he's very strong physically. he's white and six feet tall. you haven't told me anything yet. i don't want to do that, you tell me. you have a man in custody? yeah. i'm preferring charges! obstruction of justice. you lock that asshole up. you hold him for the u.s. attorney! you. what is it? where did you get it?! can you read it to me? after we've worked the note we want to replace it in lecktor's cell. i don't want him to know we found it. where's lector now? how long can you keep lecktor out without him getting suspicious? hair from lecktor's comb. whiskers from an electric razor they let him use. this is hair from the cleaning man. ninhydran? boosted with heat? the main thing is: how was lecktor to reply. he doesn't have anything to cut with. we know the tooth fairy reads the tattler. the stuff about me and lector? i don't know any other paper that carried it. personal ads? in thirty-five minutes. bowman? will graham, jack crawford. read it. that's it. lecktor called him a pilgrim when he was talking to me. then the tooth fairy named the book in the part lecktor tore out. they tried sodium amytal on him three years ago to find where he buried a princeton student. he gave them a recipe for potato chip dip. he'd know it from articles he's read about lecktor. twenty-five minutes. we won't make it in time. can we still get lecktor's message out of the paper? and if we pull it, we lose a week. we only have two to the next full moon . run it. we will feel sick for a very long time. who is it? what'd it say? tell me now. get me a plane. get me a plane! i won't be here. sorry, molly. i'm sorry this happened to you. it's a precaution. why don't you run down to the bay. they got a swimming float. what is he? afraid to leave you alone with me now?' he read the tattler piece, didn't he? good for him. thanks a lot, freddie! kevin. we're going grocery shopping . no. you're very well-protected. no one can find our where you are. we don't know that. no. it's just my job to find him. i was in the hospital after garrett jacob hobbs. hobbs was insane. he was attacking college girls and he killed them. with a knife. i found a curly piece of metal in the clothes of one of the girls. the kind of shred a pipe threader makes. i was taking a look at steam fitters, plumbers. it took a long time. in one place there was a resignation letter from a man named hobbs. i saw it and it was, peculiar. i was going up these stairs to hobbs' apartment. i was halfway up when he shoved his wife down at me. she was dying. i sent the officer with me to call a swat team. but i could hear kids in there and screaming. i couldn't wait . yes. hobbs had one of his daughters from behind. he was cutting her. i shot him. i kept thinking there must be some way i could have handled it better. it kept replaying in my mind. later i got depressed. a doctor friend of mine, dr. bloom, asked me to go into a hospital. after a while i got some distance on it and was okay. no. after a while. kevin: it's the ugliest thing in the world. huh? slick as hell. i remember. yes. i said this is too good to live. you don't recommend what, sidney? if the tooth fairy listens to lecktor, he'll come for me. so we're going to set me up as bait to draw him out. give him a clean shot. that's what you were thinking, isn't it? sidney, he doesn't read the "sunday times literary supplement. he reads lounds in the "tattler." and i want this over with. fast. i believe he's socially maladjusted. laughed at by his contemporaries. he's not as intelligent. what have we missed? the killer has sexually molested all his male victims. he is a homosexual and impotent with persons of the opposite sex. our forensic psychologists have projected he may have been the product of an incestuous home life . and probably had sexual relations with his mother. all right. let's shoot the pictures . keep the motel sign across the street just slightly out of focus. he has to be able to read it, but it can't look too obvious. no. pretty well. glaser safety slugs? kevlar second chance. because he's gone for the head shot seven out of eight times' let's walk the route. walking along the determined line, fifty yards from the apartment building, hears something through the delicate patter of the rain. god-dammit!!! you haven't smoked in two years. no. i wanted it over fast. it felt dirty to not tell you. no. where we're at is nowhere. we have nothing. we're running out of time. i have to go back to birmingham. no. i have to be. in there. alone. maybe there's something for me if i know how he feels and thinks. you should go to montana. stay with kevin's grandparents. they haven't seen him for a while. i'll come and get you afterwards. molly. … i love you. and i'm not really going to be fit to be with for awhile. and do what? read about the next family in the morning paper? in my monkey ward safehouse 'cause i can't take my family home? this ends when i make it over. kevin and molly are on their way to montana. who the hell is he to do this to my family, sidney? answer me that! i'm sorry, too. coffee . it's just you and me now, sport. and i'd better hurry up and find you. because i'm losing all this. i arranged for him to have a phone. i have to call him in a few minutes. what's it narrow down to? that's narrow? when i'm done. it's will graham. is molly there, mr. swenson? sure he is. blond. probably scandinavian, too. yes. is molly there? i know. 'out in the good air' tell her i called. what do you want? i'm worn out with you crazy sons-of- bitches. if you've got something to say, lecktor, say it. fight what? i don't believe in god. why does it feel good? i enter. the glass cutter. i lick the suction cup. the piece of glass i take out is mine. house is mine . i walk up these stairs. i pass childrens' toys. the children mean nothing to me. i am soundless. i move to the door. i step into the room. you will be better than anything. anything i have ever known. as i see me in your eyes, as i see me accepted there. reflected there in mirrors . and you, you are the fuel for my changing. as this event becomes one more step towards what i am becoming that is different than what i have ever been before. as i see me, accepted by you, in the silver mirrors of your eyes. he changes them into beings that accept him. and he needs to see the acceptance, in the mirrors. i didn't understand the mirrors before. it's very important. it's a word. killing them. his delusion is: if he sees himself accepted enough times, he will become as one who has the power to be accepted all the time. and he would record it somehow. so he can see himself received over and over again. how do i know?! he's very careful, very. designed when he chooses, if we find out how he finds them, then we'll find him. there has to be. he's a very shy boy. something lecktor said. it's not over yet. you wanna watch this or what?! that's why the boltcutter. he used a boltcutter to trim the branch out of his way. when he was watching from the woods. why didn't he use it to go through the basement door? you mean jacobi put it in between when this film was made and when he was murdered? donald jacobi's eleventh birthday party was april fourteenth. sometime between april fourteenth and may third they changed the door. but you can't see either family's door from the street. he wouldn't know until he got to the house that the padlock wasn't there anymore. from the alley he couldn't have seen the glass in the leeds' kitchen door . there's a lattice porch back there, but he was ready with his glasscutter. so he was either casing far ahead and we didn't check back far enough or. don't talk to me!! it's graham. the jacobi stuff is still in the storeroom? have one of the guards down there call me. do it. you knew that was the jacobis' cat . you brought a boltcutter. 'cause you thought there was a padlock. and the leeds' dog doesn't have a collar. but you know it's the leeds' dog, don't you, my man?! see the woman? the bloom on the woman. you can almost feel her. you can see her again and again. anytime you want. the doggy doesn't have a collar. but you know the leeds' dog, don't you? and you know the jacobi cat. and the padlock on the door and you know you need a boltcutter and every other goddamn thing 'cause. you've seen these fucking films! haven't you, my man? we want the cans the jacobi home movies came in. they're in the far corner of the room under the windows. what it's going to say on the jacobi film can is the same as it says on the leeds' film can: gateway lab, st. louis, missouri. have him peel the top label back. it does, doesn't it? parking permits. run these names to your dmv for a driver's license check. man we're after is blond, caucasian, twenty to forty, six feet tall, 180-225 pounds. first name. alvaro. a.l.v.a.r.o., first name jose. no. put it through the datafax. fast. route three, chester, missouri. where is that? this is our boy! go on to the house. go on to the house. what? cut across the field. kill your lights. spills out and starts running for the house and the orchard a quarter mile away. crawford follows. how far away's the back-up? i'll cover the back. there's somebody in the house, jack… it's happening again, jack. stop it. stop it!!! crashes off the fridge which opens and spills and hits the floor as. bleeding, brings the .44 down from the recoil of the first shot. now, up on one knee, he fires four more rounds into dollarhyde. hello. mama was probably asleep. not too bad. i'll be here a few days longer. i want to see you. today's wednesday. by friday i ought to. come home with me. what's this mama shit? what's the problem, molly? small difference: i'm not dead, yet . they don't want me up there. every time they look at me i remind them. if they thought about it, they'd want you. bur all they really want's the boy. and they'll take you. but they don't want to see me. okay. they're full of shit and they make me sick. yeah. that's great. a little time. see you around. yes . are you george sherman? no, that's okay. how are you? no, i'm okay. i just wanted to. . stop by and. i just wanted to stop by and. see you. i guess. that's all. stands as she comes near him. the aqua highlights of the water eat into their figures as they look at each other. molly touches the wounded side of his face. then: you got a deal. we did okay. most of them made it.