he stopped by to see me at the shop before he came out here. he asked how you are. i said you are fine, he should leave you the hell alone. you mended a crack in the wallpaper with your diploma. you are open and easy now. it took you a lot of work to get to that. all the things that happened to you before make you know that. what you've already decided. you're not really asking. stay here with me. me. me. me. and kevin. that's selfish, huh? whatever i say, you'll take him away, won't you? you're his friend, jack. why can't you leave him alone? he thinks you want him to look at evidence. you wouldn't like it, either if you had it. no. i don't like people who park in the 'handicapped zone'. huh? will? is that you? mmmmh. i love you, too, will. good night. hello, hotshot! at the store. you doin' some good? which part? that or the day-to-day. kevin's fine. he had to recover the turtle eggs you two fenced in. the dogs dug them up. tell me what you're doing. will you be in atlanta for a while? i'm not buggin' you about coming home, i just wondered. to do what? i'm thinking about painting the kitchen. what color do you like, will? are you there? yellow's a bad color for me. i'll look green at breakfast. blue is cold. will, i don't know why i'm talking about this stuff. i called to tell you: i love you and i miss you. and you are doing the right thing. it's costing you, too. and i know that. and i'm here. i'll be here whenever you come home. or i'll meet you anywhere. anytime. that's what i called to say. approaches in slow motion raising a bag of shrimp and a six- pack of dos equis. what time is it? moves into the kitchen. a streetlight hits part of the kitchen with a dim phosphorescent green. go into your room and lock the door. go ahead! breathless, opens the door. fast. yes. why? what's going on who decorated this place, richard nixon? you didn't do it to me, will; it's happened to us. and if i survive the wallpaper we'll be okay. he's after you now, isn't he? he didn't know you had been in a mental institution. be asked me if i knew. i said yes. i wanted to talk to him. he said he wanted to bring it up to you. face to face . it's hard to have anything, isn't it? rare to get it, hard to keep it. this is a damn slippery planet. you remember when we first met? and were together alone in that room. and the exhilaration was too much to hold on to. and then something flickered across your face like a shadow and i asked you what was wrong? do you remember what you said? time is luck, will. i know the value of our days. let's go to bed. i'll rub your back. can i have one of your cigarettes? i'd like one of your cigarettes, please. have you ever omitted telling me. things before? then why? can you quit? and. where are things? what will you do? is crawford going with you? william: you are going to make yourself sick or get yourself killed. kevin and i have lived through. with kevin's father. once before. and we can't. will… i was out in the garden. mama came out and told me when she saw it on tv. why didn't you call me? will? are you okay? i want to see you, too. mama has all kevin's uncles and aunts coming down from cheyenne next week and. will, they never get to see kevin and a few more days. it's what kevin called her when he was little. i came up here after kevin's father died . they were very supportive and helped me adjust. i got myself together. i've gotten myself together now, too. will? you could come up here. that's not true. maybe we should give it some time. let's forget who said what to whom. so how'd we do?