put your back against the doer. come forward three steps until you feel the tile an your feet and there will be a stool just to your left. can you give me an idea of the conditions. what's being photographed? when do you need it? let me stick this in the black hole. the 1000 c infrared sensitive film must be handled in total darkness. i keep the samples straight by touch code . it's still easier to handle than a 1200 series. think it'll do? i can 'help' myself home, ralph. thanks, but i'll take the bus. i do it all the time. it's better if i rake your arm. come on in. how about a gin and tonic? in the kitchen. you know you speak very well, although you avoid fricatives and sibilants in your speech. at the riker institute for the blind. i trained in speech therapy for speech and hearing impaired children. i'll probably go back to it someday. may i touch your face? i want to know if you're smiling or frowning. i want to know if i should just shut up or not. ready to tell me what kind of 'outing' this is? francis? we're at the zoo! yes! no, no! i want to. that was nice of you to think of that. unknowing, is suffused with a calm equanimity. her breasts rise and fall with her breathing. the flickering light from the screen intermittently illuminates and darkens the planes of her face. moves towards dollarhyde's face. take me upstairs. let me get them off. it's torn. i don't care! come on. my god, man. yes . you're so sweet, d. let me come up to you and take it. yes. your heart is loud. feel all of me dollarhyde re-enters frame and puts a glass of water next to her. he covers her. he lays down again next to her. reba stirs half awake, murmurs dreamily. dollarhyde supports the back of her head and offers her some water. is that you. d? i'm fine. in her cotton dress. the prairie wind blows her hair and presses the thin cotton against her body in the overgrown weeds and wildflowers of dollarhyde's backyard. good morning. if you show me where things are, i'll make us some coffee. my sister's coming by to pick me up for brunch. why don't you come, too? i'll get my purse. i'm fine, francis. francis? where are you? i want to see you, too, francis. should i come over? are you okay? you'll come by? what was it? thanks for the ride. who is it? who? francis. .? you're scaring me with this. am i alone in this room? are you here. why are you doing this?! the tooth. it's dragon. dragon. red dragon.