singing? can i make a suggestion? you should get underarm deodorant. you kind of smell. better i tell you than someone else. how do i know what gay people you know. how do you know that, claude? holy shit, ingrid you're going to have a baby sister or brother. do you think your mom is fuckable? i think she's hot, your mother. i'd do her if i was gay. i might anyway. i mean if she came on to me. my dad's late to pick me up. i hope i'm not a pain. oh, hi. sorry, i had to go. i hope that's okay i used yours. i love your wedding dress. it's so unconventional and great. pauline nods. her eye catches the polaroids of her and malcolm nude which lie on top of the bureau. maisy looks at the pictures too. maisy shifts uneasily and leaves the room. pauline follows. maisy walks down the hallway, aware that pauline is right behind her. is everything okay? claude, do you want to play croquet?