mariachi opens his room, tosses his guitar onto the bed and hangs his jacket in the closet. he has only his white t-shirt underneath. he glances above the bed to a plaque bearing a mace and two crossed swords. he checks out the shower and washes his face in the sink. he sits down on his bed. a few seconds later he drops back and lays there a minute before kicking the door shut. he tries to sleep. top shot of mariachi sleeping. a shot of the mace on the wall. mariachi bolts up in bed. mariachi is sitting on his bed listening to all this. he bolts to the restroom and turns to the shower. mariachi rushes out of the bathroom towards the door. low-angle shot as men burst in. there is no one in the room. mean dude #5 hears the shower and motions to keep it down and stalk quietly. they rush into the bathroom and start blasting. camera dollies into the guitar case on mariachi's bed. mariachi rushes in, grabs his jacket and puts it on. he grabs his guitar case and squeezes it tight, his eyes shut. slow dolly into him, as his eyes open.