good morning, azul. do you know who this is? we've got a lot to talk about. i'm just a few town away with a whole new gang. i heard you were nearby so i thought i'd give you a call, amigo. yes, i figured you'd want your money, my friend. that is why i have called you. i heard you were getting out soon, and figured i should deal with our situation. but do you really need me to help you get out? from what i hear, you're running quite a business out of your cell with a phone and some loyal men. it keeps you well protected i hear. not a bad idea. i may try that myself sometime. soon my friend, soon. i'm sending you some people in a few days to get you. just hang in there my friend. i won't forget that you have been a big part of our success. what's wrong. don't worry. if there's one thing i know, it's that he'll always wear black and he'll always carry that guitar with him. it's his signature. besides, that's not a guitar he's carrying. it's a guitar case full of weapons. find him. amigo! i'm glad i've reached you! you've not answered all day. killing ten of my men must have been very time consuming! what? i knew half was yours. i got greedy, my friend. it's my nature. but you!!! you are modest! you've killed ten of my men!! i know, because i'm having them buried in my yard right now. with my dogs and cats. i'm sorry things turned out this way. my friend. i got greedy. i should never have tried to kill you. it would have been cheaper for me to pay you. now i've got to find ten new men. ten. no, it's too late for that. we're going to have to see this through. what do you think? i know who it is. come see me. please. have you ridden the bike? that's not him. i'm sorry he used you to get to me, domino. azul, let her go and you'll get your money. who? so that's why you were busy that night. you had that little monkey climbing all over you. after all i've done for you, this is how you treat me? no you won't. i will. you feel sorry for her, don't you? see, that's why you can't ever be as big as me. because you have too much heart. bring that musician out here so he can be reunited with my domino. find him!! so you're the little mariachi that came to town, killed my men, and stole my girl. you are very talented. i bet you play the guitarra real well, huh? not anymore. now get the hell off my property and take your hand with you!!!