so waddaya feel like doing tonight? well, we oughta do something. it's saturday night. i don't wanna go bowling like last saturday. how about calling up that big girl we picked up inna movies about a month ago in the rko chester? that big girl that was sitting in front of us with the skinny friend. we took them home alla way out in brooklyn. her name was mary feeney. what do you say? you think i oughta give her a ring? i'll take the skinny one. well, let's call her up. what can we lose? well, what do you feel like doing tonight? well, we're back to that, huh? i say to you, "what do you feel like doing tonight?" and you say to me, "i don't know, what do you feel like doing?" and then we wind up sitting around your house with a coupla cansa beer, watching sid caesar on television. well, i tell you what i feel like doing. i feel like calling up this mary feeney. she likes you. i could see she likes you. i'll call her up. how about going downa seventy-second street, see what we can find? ralph says you have to beat them off with clubs. boy, you're getting to be a real drag, you know that? my old lady, every word outta her mouth, when you gonna get married? so what do you feel like doing tonight? not a bad crowd tonight, you know? there's a nice-looking little short one for you right now. down there. that little one there. well, waddaya say, you wanna ask them? i'll take the one inna green dress. waddaya say, you wanna dance? a buncha dogs. hey, marty! hey, marty, you in here?! hey, lou! hey, lou! marty been in here the last coupla hours or so? where is everybody? i been walking around, i can't find anybody. hey!! hey! hey, marty! hey! where you been, for pete sakes?! i been looking all over for you. i been looking all over for you! waddaya gonna do now? you want me to ride down with you? it's early. it's saturday night! there's still plenty-a action around! all right, i'll see you! oh, i couldn't eat nothing. my mother just stuffed me right up to the jaws. listen, somebody turn onna ballgame. it must be after one o'clock by now. who you gonna call? are you kidding? you got me mad, that's why. hey, joe, show marty that picture. marty, let's go downna seventy-second street area tonight. boy, you really musta made out good last night. boy, she musta been some talker. she musta been about fifty years old. she musta kept you inna shadows all night. let's go downa seventy-second street. brush her. listen, you wanna come with me tonight, or you wanna go with this dog? i looked all over for you last night, you know that? a nothing. a real nothing. you don't feel like going downna seventy-second street? come on, let's go down seventy-second street, walk around. we're sure to wind up with something. watsa matter with you?